Liverpool won't need a vaccine in a hurry as hardly anyone has Covid there anyway from the so few who've decided to take up a free test.
On distribution, BoJo has said the number 1 priority is to get the R rate down. Using that logic, surely that means they'll start by vaccinating all the selfish buggers who break the rules, cos they're the ones keeping the bloody R rate up!
Fully understand why you don't want an experimental vaccine that hasn't undergone the usual tests but why would you choose to put yourself and so many others at risk by refusing the perfectly safe and extremely tested flu vaccine?
You would be surprised how many do. Our work offering flu vaccine to all employees for free. About half turned it down.
Today’s news is a brilliant step forward and offers some light at the end of a very dark tunnel. It’s early days but I’d be willing to have the vaccine if it offers hope of a return to something like normal life. I certainly don’t want to keep myself shut away from a healthy social life for any longer than I have to. Life is for living not just existing. All credit to the genius people we have working on these vaccine projects. Truly amazing work....
I've got tinnitus from the flu and that's just one side effect. Definitely worth having the jab if you're eligible. It should help get fans back to the stadiums in bigger numbers sooner.
Because thats the top priority. If you look at the priority list for distribution of the vaccine Football fans wont be first in the queue. Though at least the West Stand upper where I sit most people will have been vaccinated in the first 3 stages - I have to wait for stage 9 If the vaccine works I am looking forward to being able to visit my Parents again as a more important benefit than getting to a football match. Though even now I dont understand why socially distanced support hasnt been allowed
excellent news re progress on vaccine. The concern for many people classed as 'vulnerable' is how the vaccine may affect/interact with any treatment they may be on. It may be perfectly safe for the fit and healthy but how do ensure it's safe for say those on chemotherapy or on insulin etc.
Higher ups in Football are apparently wanting to be a priority but I don't see it myself. I get they would want to make sure players are injected early (I wonder if clubs will force players to have it?) as it protects them and saves clubs money on regular testing of their staff. Also businesses in stadiums and arenas pump some of the biggest sums in to the economy through tax so the sooner that can happen again the better. At the very least if fans can prove they have already had it due to being in a high risk category then clubs will hold a case for being allowed to let more people into the ground whilst distancing was still around. For example however many people that come to the match having taken the jab, you can allow that same number who haven't had the jab come in. In other vaccine news how funny to see Matt Hancock running scared of GMB......