Good news if its allowed

Discussion in 'Bulletin Board' started by Del Rosso, Jan 22, 2021.

  1. Gegenpresser

    Gegenpresser Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2015
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    I'm not asking anyone to guess the future.

    And the truth is not to be readily found on sites like these I'm afraid - just everyone's version of it.
  2. sadbrewer

    sadbrewer Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2006
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    Honda dealers are nothing to do with Honda...they are private companies selling a range of different manufacturers vehicles as franchises. Honda In Barnsley is Vantage Motor Co, Doncaster and Bradford are Vertu Motors and Wakefield is Harratts. Honda as a company have ceased all European car manufacturing following the signing of the EU/Japan trade deal. If you can't get your car serviced in Wakefield it's because Harratt's have given the Honda franchise the heave ho.
    lk311 likes this.
  3. shenk1

    shenk1 Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2012
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  4. Dan

    DannyWilsonLovechild Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2011
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    so companies having to pay more to trade with Europe isn’t true? Redundancies I’ve seen first hand at client companies that were penned pre Covid because of brexit and executed, didn’t happen? The significant changes to vat, agents, rules of origin... they aren’t true either?

    There is plenty of truth. Perhaps it’s just a little too inconvenient though, and you don’t want to see it for a few years’?

    Anyway, I’ll leave it there.

    The truth is out there ;-)
  5. Dan

    DannyWilsonLovechild Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2011
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    I saw further interesting brexit news over the weekend. When I say interesting, I had to question it at first and checked several other news sources, and indeed it seems to be true.

    Now we all know Brexit is the best thing since sliced bread (a British brand, of course), and that incredible future has an embargo on it. Some say a few years, some say 5, some, including those in government say maybe 50 years til we see the unicorns come to pasture. So this story was something of a surprise...

    We know we have sovereignty, and we know we have unfettered access with no tariffs or quotas into the European market.... because DePfeffel himself said so. And we know that any current niggles are just down to people who don't know how to fill in paperwork or its just those nasty "remoaners" making things up to try and deny this great nations immense presence on the international stage... so this really did come as a bit of a shock.

    The news.... that the DTi, the department for trade and industry, who've commonly told us of those returning halcyon days of yore, in fact better, we get sunlit uplands to boot too, well, the DTi shared their advice for businesses trading with Europe.

    To overcome issues trading with Europe (or teething problems if you will), their advice is for UK businesses to set up in the European mainland. The DTi said this. A government department, headed up by a government minister. The DTi. They told businesses to set up in the EU.

    Now this is where I was really surprised. Because if a UK company decides to operate in the EU and reside there, and lets ignore all the red tape and increased difficulty in doing so for now, then that company is bound by EU law. And EU rules. And apparently, they were detrimental to the UK, and well, this was supposedly the point of Brexit, wasn't it? Take back control and all that?

    So for the government to tell us through one of its departments to go and do this to have better trade with the EU. Well, it's a bit contradictory isn't it?

    And lets crystallise what they are telling business to do. They are saying, go and relocate all or part of your operation in the EU... a bit like some of the brexit billionaires are doing. They are saying, lay off British workers and employ European workers instead. They are saying, don't have a UK accountant and lawyer, but a European one and pay fees to European service companies, the same with landlords and supply chain rather than British ones... and thats on a full relocation.

    Or, if they are asking a partial relocation, they are saying double your costs. Have two premises, have two accountants, two lawyers, two sets of employees that you have to have additional management and supervision of. You have to have 2 sets of bank accounts to manage and so on. So they are asking a company to double it's costs for the same amount of sales. Any business person will tell you that they'd rather not do that because it's not very sustainable unless they can significantly grow markets.

    But either way, a full relocation or partial, the UK government are telling business to go and pay their taxes elsewhere. They are saying it's ok to have less GDP in this country, and less jobs and less PAYE being paid, and less national insurance, and less employers national insurance and less corporation tax. And actually, rather than just not have it here... go and pay all those things into a neighbouring nation of a bloc that we've just left because we basically thought they were a bit rubbish and not good enough for us.

    I just thought I'd share that. So all free minded sovereign British nationals can digest it and consider the implications of advice from the Brexit supporting British government.
    JLWBigLil, JamDrop and Redhelen like this.

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