Blimey he’s been a good defender but In my life I’d put these ahead of him: Larry May Paul Futcher Mark Robinson Carl Tyler Arjan De Zeeuw Chris Morgan Gerry Taggart Stephen Foster Darren Moore Martin Cranie Mason Holgate Ethan Pinnock John Stones
I was talking about in general when i watched pinnock in league one for us you could tell he was far too good for that league probably best ball playing center back ive seen for us and gone on to be a regular in the prem. Point taken though he never had a full season with us in the championship... well he did but the then managers didnt rate him.
Now we might be in a position where we’re praying Brentford sell him on because we’re desperate for any sell on fees.
I apologise, when I read the comment I was referring to, I read it as them driving Helik to turkey themselves, having re-read it, doesn't specifically mention Helik, and as Exile pointed out, was more towards other players - I jumped to conclusions without reading properly On the note of him leaving, I fully expect him to leave mate. And I wouldn't blame him, especially if he's wanting to remain in the Poland squad. He's a quality player and we're lucky to have had him. Just hope we don't get our pants pulled down. And I know he isn't young, but I hope we put in a sell on clause. A year/18 month being in a quality side performing well, his price tag might just jump up. Bit like Craig dawson!
I think 5/6 season tickets sold (discounting the nominal kids tickets) would be a good outcome at this stage. 6/7 a great success.
You seemed to have overlooked that I highlighted that if circumstances changed that it could alter the number of sales & I would appreciate it if you did not compare me to Khaled , we are polar opposites .
Nope I haven't overlooked anything. The early bird deadline passes in a few days. Only a tiny minority would renew after that date regardless
So if the owners moved on & there was a new dawn I take it you do not think it would effect sales , have I got that right ?
Yes but I don't think it would cause thousands to renew and pay the penalty fee. However I think if the owners pissed off a new owner would reintroduce the early bird fee. Unless you have some inside information suggesting new owners and a reintroduction of the early bird then I think you might as well post saying we might get 60,000 season ticket holders if we build a new stadium for next season and give free sexual favours from the world's top models all for £2.50 a season
I was reading your response & the first line made sense to me however why on earth would I post the rest of the drivel you have written . I originally posted that a number of things happening during the close season can effect sales which I think is fair comment so I am at a loss to understand why you have come out with such a load of codswallop unless you class that as sensible debate .
You didn't say it can effect sales though, you said vastly alter sales. Unless something EXTREMELY unlikely and basically unheard of happens then our ticket sales won't VASTLY be changed after the early bird deadline passes.
Are you trying to be intimidating by spelling words out in capitals ? because if you are it doesn"t work , I tell you something else what does not work & that is comments about 60000 season ticket holders, sexual favours & models , I havn"t a clue what you meant , it certainly was not discussing the topic .
I can fight my own battles thanks & I do not remember asking for anyones support , if you think it was o.k to shut the west stand then thats fine , I do not & have made my thoughts well known on that .
You slagged fans off when the west stand closed. Fans who joined you in unity and support. Fans who you have slagged off since then too
Unlike you I never slag fans off , I might not agree with some all the time but that is normal as we all have a right to our own but with you its either your view or no view at all but I will never cower to bullies so make of that what you like . When the west stand closed I was critical of the owners & still am & I make my comments as I see them but everyone has an opinion & some may agree some may disagree thats how it is but know matter how much I disagree with someone at the end of the day it is just a persons opinion & if you go through my posts you will not find one where I slag an individual .
New England Revolution are interested in taking him to the MLS and apparently he's interested too..... I think he'd be better off staying in Europe.
Yeah, I can't see him going to America, although there does appear to be a fair few Polish players playing in that league. Their season ends before the World Cup (I believe) so it might make sense for him to go there.