Wow, that is an amazing coincidence! I lived in Rowland Road from 1948 when I was born until 10th Jan 1970 when I too joined the RAF. What a small world!
Phillip Turner was my best friend when I was a Holgate. His uncle owned the pub near the Ritz cinema. I often wonder what has happened to him?
36 but initially my Mum and Dad lived at number 26 I think. One of my good friends was Rodney Senior at number 12 ish.
It was also great sledging down from what used to be Rowland Road Post Office right down and around the 90 degree bend on Huddersfield Road, on a really icy night as far as the Wilthorpe Hotel. I nearly went under the Gawber bound Tracky double decker on one overshoot. Mad nights.
So Some wall that. I bet the residents slept sound at night knowing they'd be securely protected from the marauding Scots.
I didn't know that, the house I lived in had part of that wall as my boundry between my garden and the care home but it was rebuilt by the guy that built the house, there is about 10ft of the original wall left.
memory is a bit hazy but I knew the Darlows - John and Stephen - and I can’t remember if their house was above or below the post office at the end of Walton Street. Must have been close to you? Go on - tell me you knew them!
That was owned by the water board, their offices were there and apparently there was a big water tank there as well. The offices became Jordan Hill care home, the guy that converted it also then built Orchard Views care home, his brother then built the house I lived in that was on land between the two. I had copies of the deeds going back quite a long time. I may be wrong but I think the care home guy had something to with building Haverdale Rise.
No, sorry I don’t remember the Darlows. I used to know Steven Brownrigg, ? Winstanley, Phillip and Stephen Haig at number 8, Rodney Senior at number 12, next door neighbours the Thompson’s at 38 and John Hatton across the road from me. It’s a small world! I also used to play cards in the Miner’s Rest from about 16 years onwards nursing half a pint as that was all I could afford.
I seem to remember that he did. We lost touch when I left Holgate when I was 16 but I’d love to reconnect with Rodney-he was a good and kind friend.