If ANTIFA is an insult then I’m proud to support it. Knuckle draggers because people point out the untruths and errors in a post. Oh the joy. Have you really thought that last post through?
Ah the reasoned answer - I asked you to explain a statement and I get accused of being an Antifa knuckle dragger Just whats wrong with being Anti Fascist anyway?
Nothing, ill back you 100 percent, I responded to a post saying that the EU couldn't become Nationalistic, its more Nationalistic than thar thinks. But what happens on ere, you've scared and bullied so many posters off BBS, because you cant see past ya own opinionated views, you don't read posts.
44 percent voted Conservative, Correct, I wouldn't call em stupid or right wing, id av said they did it cos the opposition was p iss poor.
bit ironic your post - how have I scared and bullied posters? I question posters who make statements I dont necessarily accept to justify them. what else should I do - this is a forum which would be a bit dull if no one was allowed to ask for clarifcation I've never said the EU doesnt have nationalist groups inside it - of course it does - especially in France and Hungary and to a lesser extent Germany. But the EU itself is inherently not nationalistic - that was originally the main reason for its foundation. To vote for the Tories in December to stop the uk becoming more nationalistic is as logical as voting for Thatcher in 1983 to protect the mining community
No I am not having that you accused me of scaring and bullying - and when I question it you say its just opinion thats all thats not how things work
10% May 29 - June 2 9% May 27 - 29 Fairly consistent 14-16% (highest 18%) for at least the 18 months to February https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opinion_polling_for_the_next_German_federal_election#Poll_results
Hey dont let facts get in the way of a good opinion - the support for AFD is growing thats the opinion of some on here - even though its isnt when you look at the data
They were fairly solid until the party leaders criticized Merkel in early March for going into self-isolation after potential exposure. The backlash saw their polling share nearly half overnight.
He keeps suggesting that 27 disparate countries can collectively be ‘Nationalistic’, that’s ‘an opinion’ that literally can’t be true, but the fact that I point that out, you call an ‘opinion’. horses for courses but mine is at least grammatically correct.