The More I read and see about this it smacks more and more of the suppliers getting money and aiming to pocket as much as possible
And many people on here and in Barnsley voted for these disgusting human beings. There should be a petition to remove Matt Hancock from his job immediately. He has proven himself to be despicable and apart from that utterly utterly incompetent.
It’s the reason he’s part of the Cabinet. Pritti Vacant, Jenryck et al, they all wear their shameful actions like a badge of honour. Like the young delinquents with their ASBOS
Their job competence was secondary to their personal stance on brexit, hence the shitstorm we are currently suffering from.
Just been confirmed by DfE that there will be no 'hamper' or voucher provided for February half term. I know they're not normally when they are at school but these aren't normal times and they've just had a load of nad press about school meals so you'd think they'd want to do damage limitation if nothing else. Why is it ok for kids to go hungry just because they don't have lessons? We're talking one package/voucher, it would hardly break the bank for it to be included but a whole week without proper food is a long time.
They’re giving the left a dead cat to distract them from the billions they wasted on track and trace, the bodies piling up and the Brexit shambles. And it’ll work too! they didn’t give Marcus a medal because he’d embarrassed the government, they gave him it because we were all distracted by him embarrassing the govt. see also capt tom.