Mixing up two races there bud. The false start race wasn’t re-run. There was no winner that year. The Monday run was due to the bomb hoax from the real IRA a few years later.
One of the reasons I’ve backed both of those… Also put a quid ew on cloudy glen, Venetia Williams horses love heavy ground so that is on just in case they get even more rain. The kids have picked some too based of course on names and colours - Roi Mage, Dunboyne and Enjoy Dallen. Six bloody horses backed on one race. Mrs has another two as well!
Got to be Glavin lads, sorry Galvin followed by Noble Yeats ,Mr Incredible , then Vanillier in that order please
Galvin and Le Milos for me. Well when the police finish getting the pillocks away with some beautiful heavy handed tactics.
Good to see the police dealing appropriately with the protesters and minimizing the disruption. With near-on 70,000 there to watch on course (to say nothing of the millions watching on TV worldwide) there was ample justification to swiftly remove the disrupters on public order grounds. No-one minds protest, but when that amounts to trying to deliberately prevent an event happening it sticks two fingers up to the vast majority and goes beyond what is reasonable. More importantly, a very good race and a brilliant result for a small-ish stable. Corach Rambler was the logical form choice if you were to take his stamina on trust havoing won the three mile handicap at Cheltenham for two years running. Onwards and upwards to Newmarket and the Flat this week!