I was aware of Lenny Henry on Tiswas, but in all honesty never thought of him as black just used to laugh at his Bellamy impression
Tiswas was a bit too free form for me as a youth. I can't remember watching much, other than Some Mothers Do Ave 'Em, Mary, Mungo & Midge, Mr Benn & Blue Peter. In retrospect my whole childhood was a mistake. It explains a lot.
I was a very nervous child, always worried midge may tip the maximum weight allowed in the lift and they would plunge to their deaths
Illingworth was our coal man. Fascinated me as a kid because he was so ingrained with coal dust he'd become black.
I think that’s the point JP, back then we were spoon fed stuff which looking back would cause more than just a little outrage. We didn’t see any connection between the images and peoples actual skin. I didn’t even realise at the time that the Robinson’s figures were black people, I thought they were just children’s characters like bill and Ben. Education has brought us a fairer and more understanding society... which I think the report the other day eluded to. There is a small minority who have some racist views, and a large proportion of those are at the older end. These were different uneducated times. And I don’t feel embarrassed for my own young naive view of the world.
If memory serves me well, from my days with Mum at the Co-op on the hill from Stairfoot to Ardsley, they later introduced stamps which were worth more than just an individual stamp. It saved the tongue drying out from licking a sheet the size of a football field, just for a weekly shop.
We saved the jam jar ticket things on the labels and received little figurines of them plsying musical instruments.....think we had about 6 or 7 and we loved em.....never entered into my head that they would be racist at any time.
The a black and White Minstrels I remember as a kid my parents watching them on a variety show on a Saturday night. Singing and dancing with their faces all blackened. Certainly would not be tolerated today but was top of the bill back in the 60s
you got 1 stamp for every 2 and 1/2 p you spent, gosh a pint was 14 p in 1972, took some collecting I reckon