maybe share your expertise in this area with Scope or any of the other disability charities. At least Iain Duncan Smith Resign as he could not in conscience sign his name to smaller cuts.
of course not. Manifestos are meaningless. We don’t even vote for parties we vote for individual MPs.
If Reform get in they get in. I suspect they will be no worse than this iteration of the Labour Party.
we get the politicians we deserve. So if we deserve Reform we will get Reform and anyone who supported this iteration of Labour will have been a participant in that and is culpable. The electoral system will mean they have no majority so I can see a Lab/tory coalition anyway
Just been reading this. I think Grim for a BBS subject is correct.
Just shows what damage Cameron, May, Johnson, Truss and Sunak have done to our country. Between the crash of 2008 and the election of 2010, the economy and public services were actually still improving, both have fallen ever since under the Tories.
Nor me mate, saw straight through em the first time I heard Reeves talk, then when I saw and heard Streeting i decided I would have to vote for someone else instead for the first time in my life. The nearest to a socialist manifesto was the greens so that's were I voted. Right wing establishment plants the lot of them.
they will ditch Bad Enoch and go more soft right. So politically will be aligned /slightly to the left of Labour. Why would you say that 2 partied from broadly similar backgrounds with broadly similar policies can’t work together?
So looking ahead reading that, we are spending more, taxing more, borrowing more, producing less and everything is getting worse. Only thing that is offsetting that is more people coming to the UK to live, i.e. GDP per person falling but more people contributing.
To the right of right wing Christian Tories.
Just for context, the Institute for Government is funded and chaired by its founder, the billionaire Lord Sainsbury, Baron of Turville. Its board of 8 includes former Tory Ministers, several management executives from the world of finance and retail including BP, Lloyds of London and Goldman Sachs. All of them are privately educated at elite institutions and only one is not an Oxbridge graduate. One of them holds nom-dom status. They really have ordinary people's interests at heart.
The economy is like a massive oil tanker, it takes time to turn round. I'm not a Starmer apologist but come on, did anyone expect everything to suddenly go back to how it was 15 years ago overnight? By the way, most of the people that come to live in the UK are doing the crap jobs that the majority of ethnic "English" people don't want to do but expect somebody else to do.
One not many people will like but I don’t vote and never will. Some will say it’s a wasted vote and chance of change etc but for me I think it’s pointless. The question of whom to vote for should be ‘who’s going to help me and my family the most?’ But in my eyes the question is ‘who’s going to lie the least?’ I don’t want to vote for any as they all revert back from what they say/said in one way or the other. As long as me and mine are fine I don’t care who runs the country or not.