They shouldn't be allowed to move the business (if that's what they want to call it) anywhere before they've actually paid for it whether it's temporary or not. They are making decisions regarding the future of a business they haven't paid for it's just plain wrong
Large parts of the DearneValley are in the boundaries of Barnsley MBC so why is it technically in Rotherham/Donny. Anywhere out of the Town Centre is going to be close to another Town/City border
Don't disagree at all mate. I certainly wouldn't be giving up my Saturdays to watch us play anywhere that wasn't our permanent home and linked to Barnsley.
We support BFC. Normally, the club and ground are the same thing. In our case, they are not. Once separated, it’s becomes a difficult thing to manage and re-join. Simon Jordan talks and writes about this a lot. Palace had the same issue with Selhurst Park years ago which he was involved in trying to get the 2 together again. Coventry are in a similar place. I honestly believe financially Coventry are better off with no ground - they simply have fixed costs and no hassle. Oakwell hasn’t been looked after until more recently, and costs the club a fortune to maintain. It’s not ideal, but in the normal business world, if you rent a unit, and it costs too much to maintain, you either look to reduce the rent, or look to move elsewhere.... Or in our case (what I believe), threaten to move elsewhere to hopefully drive down the rent cost. I want BFC to remain at Oakwell - but it has to work financially, otherwise we’re holding ourselves back. Even in normal times, non-Matchday income at Oakwell is poor. The East Stand needs extending to the rear like the Main Stand does at Huddersfield. Stuff like that helps, but needs investment. Maybe we’ve gone the wrong way about it, or maybe we haven’t. Either way, it is an issue that needs to be resolved and hopefully to the club’s advantage.
Yes i’d move. But I’d keep within the same Town for my customers. I’d be improving my facilities and offerings for my paying customers too. A large part you say? It’s all talk mainly, to me. The majority of fans would still support and attend games, so long as the new ground remained in Barnsley. A new ground can actually attract more fans. New York Stadium attracts more than Millmoor ever did. Only if BFC was permanently moved out of Barnsley, would numbers be affected short and long term.
But the people making the decisions over where the club plays haven't even paid for the club why are they even allowed to be making decisions when they refuse to keep to their part of the deal to the point where it's involving the courts.
They would be better looking for the smallest ground in SY if they did try it cos I don’t think many would go to watch Barnsley outside of tarn.
I agree, if they ever did move, it’d have to be in Barnsley still to retain the majority of its current fan base.
It’s all a bit messy, I agree. However, I’m merely commenting on the actual ground rent/move issue only here.
But the can't pay won't pay lot haven't divulged any plans to build a new stadium in Barnsley they haven't announced plans to buy any land in Barnsley on which to build a new stadium and let's face it if you've tried to stitch up the local council and left them with an empty football ground that can't be anything else, that council probably are going to make your plans for a new football ground difficult to implement. All the above means any temporary move could end up being quite a lot longer than most peoples understanding of temporary.
This with knobs on.. the whole point of the council owning half of Oakwell was to keep it safe from the Peter Doyles of this world. Not saying current owners are anything like that, they just need a history lesson..
Thought this thread was about moving the club out of Barnsley. That’s what I was referring to. Yes I firmly believe numbers would be affected if you move the ground out of Barnsley
Anyone remember the talk about a new ground in Birdwell/Hoyland Common, few years back? On Fitzwilliam land, site of the old Barrow Pit, I think. Kes country..
I never said the Dearne Valley isn’t Barnsley. The point I was trying to make is that I could only see Barnsley FC leaving ‘Barnsley’ if a new stadium is built close to Barnsley but not technically in the Borough of Barnsley itself. I used those places as an example as they’re on the border with the borough and are the type of place where a new stadium could be built. E.g building a new stadium in a field next to junction 38, but that field sits in the borough of Wakefield, meaning Barnsley FC would technically play in Wakefield.
It's more than Barnsley for me, it's Oakwell. The place is magical and there is simply no reason for us to leave. The whole complex with training facilities attached is envied by clubs who you'd consider bigger and better equipped than us. Play about with the history and identity of this club at your peril, Conway and co.
Barnsley in talks with EFL clubs about moving from Oakwell - Fan Banter (article from September) Posts from fans at the end are quite entertaining
True. I was thinking of a temp move to Rovrum not permanent. But yes, it would affect numbers in the short term. But if we were on with building a new stadium in Barnsley at the same time, then that might work out ok. We won’t move though - it’s too tricky with having the training facilities adjoined to the stadium. It’s all one. I reckon if it was separate, then it might be a different matter.
I fully agree. However, I also see the business case for reducing rent, which in turn should help the club in the long term. Never easy when the 2 are split.