they need to make it illegal to park there without a residents permit on a weekend/matchday somehow, because people make it worse by parking on it. I do find it quite amusing the righteous indignation of people walking in the road, when in five minutes time they'll be in a car themselves raging at pedestrians getting in the way.
Not me, I think people coming out of a sports match, concert etc are bound to stream out into the road. It doesn't take long to clear of pedestrians
It's not righteous indignation just common sense. Would be a massive crush issue if everyone heading up there were herded onto the pavement. I park on Brinckman Street and its obviously very busy with pedestrians after the game. I just take care, apply common sense and don't drive aggressively or swear at pedestrians. The whole thing is averted by a 15 min road closure however. That's the nub of the issue.
I absolutely think the road should be closed and anyone driving who gets caught up in it should be careful. But I do think people walking up the road refuse to even try and move out of the way when cars do come down - and often swear and behave like it’s the end of the world that there is a car on a public highway. I’ve been caught in the middle of a carnival in France once when driving, people just told me to stop and turn around - it wasn’t my fault, it wasn’t their fault - just a bit of common sense rather then everyone freaking out.
Isn't it the responsibility of drivers to have regard for the safety of pedestrians rather than t'other way round?
I walk up Oakwell Lane after every home game and honestly have never seen anyone behave like it's the end of the world. I have seen people cross if someone drives too quickly down the hill when it's clearly not safe to do so e.g. the lady in question on Saturday. I didn't swear but I did say "you stupid woman!". There road should definitely be closed for 30 minutes after the game. This topic keeps coming up on here and it seems to me inevitable that someone will be hit and potentially badly hurt or worse.
It's been an accident waiting to happen for years, and becoming increasingly more likely as drivers become more and more entitled and aggressive. The authorities will continue not giving a toss until someone gets killed, and I wouldn't hold my breath even then.
I emailed club again earlier asking if council had responded. Said the councils response was they would look into it but my email after the Wednesday game was first the council had heard of any problems (really?) I now have the name of a contact at the council who deals with roads. Can't give me his email for GPDR reasons - I'm a non barnsley resident - anyone know what the @ is for Barnsley council email addresses?
To be honest and only going on what folks have said on here I would have been a bit concerned about the guy in the car if he was scared and confused and hadn't realised his up till it was too late. He was driving at the 'wrong time' but as I say, perhaps he didn't realise what he was doing until too late and he started panicking. Hopefully he's as ok as everyone else is.