Don't remember Thelwall. The De La Salle order has had to deal with several scandals over recent years. After my school years it did strike me as odd that these guys weren't priests but were supposed to be celibate. Someone told me that the aforesaid Brother Peter had left the order to get married. I accept that everything wasn't as grim as I tend to remember, and that lots of lads had a good experience. Still wish I'd gone to Broadway though.
Thelwall had won a blue for boxing at Oxford and he used to coach some of the lads in the dinner hour. Remember a lad that had come down from Scotland called Hugh Differ agreed to do three rounds with him. Differ caught him with a lovely uppercut and his head snapped back into the wallbars in the gym. I don't know how he stayed on his feet, but once he'd come round he launched a fierce attack on young Differ, but the lad somehow managed to fend him off. We were very respectful of Differ after that and it was no surprise that Thelwall never tried to fight him or any other pupils after that.