This is a perfect demonstration of why Erica may wish to have their pronouns on their name badge. Erica doesn't want or need you to know their sexuality or whether or not they're heterosexual but Erica would like to let you know that they prefer to be known as She rather than he so that when you are talking to her and about her you aren't misgendering her as a 'guy' which can be quite offensive to her.
Isn’t it interesting that the vast majority of ‘trans identified women’ consider themselves lesbians. They also consider lesbians and straight men that aren’t attracted to them ‘transphobic’. There should be no surprise that trans activists were out gay bashing at pride yesterday.
Are you sure that the vast majority of trans women consider themselves lesbian? In my experience the vast majority do not. 'they' also consider people not attracted to themselves as transphobic. Who is they? Sure some do but again I'd say the vast majority do not.
I have seen various statements from people saying if you aren't attracted to a trans woman but you are attracted to women then you are "transphobic" I agree it's a completely ridiculous viewpoint for anybody to hold. I wouldn't however think it as a representative viewpoint of and group. I don't actually personally know any trans people, I would assume generally they are just like everyone else. They just want to get on with their own lives and be left alone.
So only 23% considered themselves lesbian/gay or attracted to the same gender. 23% isn't the vast majority it's a small minority
23% same gender only, 25% bisexual and another 23% queer, I’d say that’s a vast majority of ‘men who identify as women still being attracted to women’ you can read the 23% considering themselves as ‘heterosexual’ (solely attracted to men) as a majority if you like but that’s not how my maths works.
You're right, it's not how my maths works either but it's not what you said either is it. You said "the vast majority of ‘trans identified women’ consider themselves lesbians" and to back that up you provided a link in which it stated 23% considered themselves gay/lesbian or attracted to the same sex which isn't the vast majority. Now of course you're more than welcome to change your opening statement to the vast majority are not heterosexual if you wish but as that's not what you said I think it's fair to respond to what you actually did say and tell you that you're wrong. Ps, queer doesn't necessarily mean attracted to women or men or anything really. Also. 'men who identify as women' shows a bit of transphobia or at least ignorance as it is refusing to accept them and is asserting that they are men despite what they say. Now I acknowledge that it isn't easy to get this all right so I'm not criticising you for any confusion etc but I find that the vast vast majority of trans people are causing me no harm so I see no reason to make snidey comments about them or to make accusations etc. I will occasionally get their pronouns wrong or make a balls up but in my experience they are perfectly fine with that as they know my intentions. That's true with the handful of trans people I've become friends with anyway.
At the risk of becoming a social pariah I might fall into your description of transphobia. See, I believe that people should be allowed to describe themselves as whatever gender they like. I really don’t care who anyone wants to be. But I don’t believe that makes them biologically female, I don’t want women with beards and nobs in the same changing rooms as my granddaughters, or blokes who self identify trashing womens sports. if you think that makes me transphobic, knock yourself out. I think it means I support womens rights. yes I could have picked my first words better, but you really didn’t expect over 70% of trans women to still fancy women did you?
Some blatant transphobia on this thread. One who seems to think sexuality and gender are the same thing, and another who can't discuss the subject without going on about "showing their knobs" in every post. Beyond the pale.
One persons ‘transphobia’ is another’s feminism. How do you honestly feel about your mum/ sister/ wife/ daughter/ granddaughter/ female friends having to share their safe space with biological men self identifying as women? And more importantly; how do they feel about it. It’s not transphobic to ask that question, and the notion that it is exists purely to shut down debate.
I'm shutting down conversing with you, as I've told you on previous occasions I won't interact with you. I don't like your attitude, and I don't like the way you speak to others on here. That isn't to say when I read something on here that I think is disgraceful I won't comment on it. We have at least one trans person on here, after all.
Reminds me of a client I had, called Karen, who I was assisting with their PhD application in the UK. Every time they got a reply, it started "Dear Ms Akarpyan". In the end, they just kept a template reply on their desktop, which started - "Dear Sir / Madam, Thank-you for your reply. I would like to point out that I am Mr Akarpyan, and that Karen is a common men's name in Armenia......"
Neat comeback. I hope you take the time to talk to the women in your life about these issues. Have a great life
I used to work with a Polish guy called Karol, and my mrs constantly gets people assuming she's a bloke due to her name, despite it being as common for women as men. BTW neither of those people got offended, they just accept the understandable error and move on. The issue with the TRA's is the insistence that such mistakes 'erase their identity'.