I'm past caring about lockdowns & absolutely too tired/not arsed to get in to a debate about them but I have a genuine question. How can you lift all restrictions but still force those who have it, or have come in to close contact with someone who tests positive, to isolate for ten days? How can you still have a situation where entire school classes are being sent home for the same reason? Surely what this really means is that at potentially thousands of people will follow the rules, be completely healthy & unaffected by the virus but still have to sit at home for ten days? It makes no sense to me - either open it all up or do it in a staggered way whilst the cases are rising.
The vaccine is not being offered to under 18s. Not "not yet" just not in the plan at all. So the very people who, though unlikely to get ill are the most likely to spread. Lunacy, sheer lunacy.
4 days too late for me to win our bet! I guess it's a pyrrhic victory for you though, you were of the opinion our civil liberties were eroded forever.
Oh, don’t worry, they are. Still massive ongoing use of masks and the looming spectre of the Coronavirus Act. Precedent is set now, Government has the ability to enact totalitarian controls on a whim and lockdowns are the default option. Lockdowns are permanent, these freedoms are merely fleeting. Pandora’s box well and truly open. Which is why that ton will be very useful to those charities ;-)
72% will no longer wear a mask. Surely it depends on the circumstances you're in? If you're on a packed tube train you'd wear one. If you're on a quiet train with hardly anyone in your carriage and it's a sweltering day you go without it.
I would say be sensible, live your life and wear a mask where you think it's appropriate and most effective.