Why hate Mother’s Day? Mothering Sunday has a place in history long before cards were sent. I know the modern day thing is extortionate profiteering, but so is Christmas, Easter etc. The smile on my dear old mam’s face when I gave her daffodils ( not telling where I got em from, but I didn’t buy them) when I was a young boy was priceless. Nowadays for me Mother’s day it’s a visit to her grave with flowers followed by a few tears as I smile at those great and cherished memories.
We've also got the M&S deal, she seems pleased with everything I've got her but doesn't realise most of it was funded from a works Xmas gift card... No shame
Don't forget Whitsuntide, my mam hated it because we had to have new clothes...six kids, no father, poor as church mice but she knew all kids had new clothes on that day.... so even then there was pressure to buy unnecessary stuff. Thank the magic ju ju man in the sky for jumble sales!
Agree with you. Was a bit disappointed with the main course choices at M&S but queued that long to get in I wasn't going anywhere else! Went for the rump steak with peppercorn sauce!
We normally do the M&S one but decided to check the selection online first. We went with Ribeye steak anyway as it’s been a while since I’ve had steak and really fancied it.
I’m not saying I’m not romantic but we got married on the 13th of February and it was about 7years later that I realised we only had to have waited a day to be married on the most romantic day of the year!