Do you believe everything the press says. Go off to Canada,there's plenty of royals left in this country Totally unimportant.
Harry’s never wanted to be royal. He tried to leave ages ago but Charles told him no and to wait as he might feel differently once he had a wife and kids. Well, now he’s got a wife and a kid and the press are horrible to them so I’m not surprised he hasn’t changed his mind and still wants to leave. Good on him, he can’t help who he was born to.
Charles and William said to be incandescent with rage. Queen equally dischuffed apparently.
Can we send them a bill for the wedding now? I'm glad they're going (they should all go) but it's interesting that they've waited until after the taxpayers have funded the wedding, birth and £5m refurb of their cottage before deciding to become "independent"...
It'd take a while to list all the thick billionnaires - you don't really believe we live in a meritocracy do you?
Not bothered either way but what evidence have you to support that? Do you know him personally or is it just your general anti-royal views colouring your judgement? He comes across as a pretty 'normal' (for a Royal anyway) and seemed to be popular with his army buddies and was not cosseted whilst serving in Afghanistan. Also done a lot to promote care for disabled army veterans. That said I only have the press to go by, you may have more access to the facts?
The fact that he got 2 poor a levels despite having the best education money can buy, and it coming out that his teachers helped him cheat because he was rubbish.
Ah! the green eyed monster raises its head again! There are plenty of people started with little or nothing, worked hard and reaped the rewards (not all of them off the backs of others either) I actually know a few who have far more money than we have who have retired over here. Not disputing there are plenty with small fortunes they have not really earned (including journeyman footballers). Such is life!!
Apparently they'll keep the cottage and the taxpayer funded security. I never knew you could do this, when I get into work I'm going to tell my boss that I'm quitting but keeping the company car.
Don’t think they’ll ever struggle for money. Both of them will get paid a small fortune for appearances etc, she will probably go back into some form of ‘entertainment’ and her price will be sky high now. Modern day version of Becks and Posh
Not being academic is not necessarily an indication of intelligence. There are plenty on here who have little in the way of educational qualifications who have gone on to having successful careers. There are plenty of actors, musicians artists and sportsment who excel but are not academic. Equally I have worked with quite a few people with degrees and qualfications 'coming out of their ears' who lack basic common sense and were ineffective in their roles
He doesn't need to work. Interest from money inherited from his mum would be enough to lead a very nice life in Canada. As to the press, are they actually nice to anyone? Hes grown up with it so shouldn't come as a great surprise that they'll latch onto everything and find the negatives. I've a feeling though that they wont be happy out of the limelight either
Could be more about application and motivation than intelligence. Maybe he couldn't be arsed because he knew he didn't really need any qualifications. In his position, I might not have worked too hard at college either.