Harry & the Mirror Group

Discussion in 'Bulletin Board' started by Scoff, Dec 15, 2023.

  1. SuperTyke

    SuperTyke Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2005
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    You've absolutely no idea what he wants other than the ******** that the very media he's just successfully sued have told you.

    I'm quite fortunate. My mum wasn't hounded to her death. I haven't had my phone hacked and private conversations shared with the world. I havent had my life and all my mates lives out at extra risk because of someone with an agenda trying to make a few quid. Sure I'm not rich or famous but I'll take my life compared to his because at least i don't have people out to get me and a large proportion of the thick public willing to slag me off at every opportunity.

    And don't forget that while people may say his behaviour has been this or it's been that, well you have to remember that he has had his phone hacked and private information shared since he was a child. Yes the first case they've been found guilty of is when he was a child. Let that sink in for a second. From that age he knew that he couldn't trust people. He knew that someone, either a family member, close friend or a member of staff were trying to bring his life down. As it turned out, they weren't,it was the corrupt media breaking the law abd invading his privacy. Maybe he didn't know that straight away? But if he didn't then it can't have took long of more and more of these private moments being leaked before he had an idea and then was certain.
    Just think how ****** that must make your head. You've lost relationships because of it, you've lost friends because of it and nobody believes you. I wouldn't be acting a bit weird. Id be going bat **** crazy.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2023
  2. AthersleyRed

    AthersleyRed Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    By the same token, those people who shout "look after our veterans" also support the Royal Family, without any slight inkling of irony
    JLWBigLil and barnsley66 like this.
  3. North Yorks Red

    North Yorks Red Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2005
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    ironically he doesn't seem to mind willingly sharing other peoples private conversations with the world or shafting family and friends if he thinks he can make a shilling out of it. In fact it seems to be his sole line of income these days.
    He's also probably lost a load of family and friends through the fact that nobody feels safe saying owt round him and his missus these days without it coming up in a podcast , book or TV interview.

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