Of course racism still exists, there’s always going to be some numbskull with backwards attitudes. However, don’t conflate increased publicity with an increase in occurrence. Quite the opposite. More incidents of racism being called out evidences changes in social attitudes. People from minority ethnic backgrounds feel more emboldened to speak out against the racism they suffer than ever before. That’s progress. Plus just anecdotally, is he telling me we were less racist as a nation in the last century than this? I’m not buying that. Just look at the progress that’s been made in football stadia.
There hasn't been 'huge publicity, protests and media criticism of increasing racism in this country'. There's been those things just because of racism in this country. As another poster mentioned the fact that the spotlight is on it should be seen as a positive, even if we're still witnesses insults and occurrences of racism online making the news. 20+ years ago that would have been at the game, but a group of football fans, and not covered by the news. Now those insults are made online, by a handful of knuckle draggers globally (they're not just from the UK), and the news rightly picks it up. We might not have made the progress we should have on racism. But we've definitely made progress over decades.
Trashy journalism, NHS is fine, only increased reports of racism, not an increase in occurrences. I suppose the rise in Nationalism largely due to populist politics is only a positive in our society. What a wonderful country we live in It’s a truly wonderful place. Now let me get back to reading a wonderful political piece I was reading in the Mail, no sorry ,The Sun, or was it the Express or Telegraph?
Ah ok I misunderstood I thought you were implying the article was totally wrong and giving as proof that some analysts thought we were recovering. I’ll agree it’s a bit OTT and presumably using Megan to play to the U S audience but it’s general thrust is hard to argue with
I got as far as ‘Britain had the world’s best healthcare system’ and stopped reading given that made it clear and obvious the author didn’t have a clue what he was talking about.
That article is brilliant and bang on. The privatisation of the NHS has begun, is so funny to read all you Brexit apologists and Johnson lovers note trying to defend the **** storm Johnson, Give and the 18th century big have led us into... Stop making your excuses and blaming covid, we are going to be super in the mid than ever, even after covid, due to these greedy barstewards you Brexit lovers voted in by voting for Brexit in the first place. You were all spitting your dummies out before the vote about being dictated to by Europe, what a load of bear lol that was. With your actions we are now being dictated to by people much farther away than our European neighbour's. You are blind not to see that... I can't remember anything in the Brexit manifesto that said Kent will be one huge lorry park, or, as evidenced in the article many haulage firms running half empty vehicles, unless any of you can point it out... Or even mention of the excessive customs regulations that said haulage firms now face. Or even mention of problems with the Irish border. Oh, there was the bus with the money for the NHS all you Brexit Muppets fell for, but then again that doesn't seem to have materialised does it? Anyway, enjoy your chlorinated chicken and steroid beef whilst you pay for healthcare that was previously part of the taxation system in this country. Stop done to the Brexit thickheads!!!!! We're taking back control!!!!!!! Hahahaha fpmsl !!!!!!
This is an impressive rant. I hope you shouted it out of the window when you were typing it because it has a higher chance of being relevant to people on the street than anyone in this thread based on the replies I've seen.
Yeah they’ve had their jabs. Both parts because they have a Govt that reads the instructions. They also have less dead countrymen for the same reason. again so no actual disputation of facts. Glad to see.
Door knocking got the Greens in 2017 and Labour in 2019. 7 out of every 10 people we spoke to were either overtly racist or subtly so. From “can’t wait for brexit so there’s less p****s to the old Sharia Law in London rubbish and all points between. In 17 one bloke was on the point of physically attacking one of our canvasses who happened to be Indian until I rocked up over 6ft and grumpy he soon pissed off then. I’d say atm the country is more racist than any time since the 80s. Sadly brexit made racism acceptable and normal.
The saddest thing is the boomer generation that destroyed our communities and supported the Thatcherite ‘no such thing as society’ won. They ripped us apart created a country that bases it’s value on possessions and competition and not on community. They then got older and despite having had decent pensions, earlier retirement, affordable housing and free education have taken those away from the generations that come after them. Then taken it one step further because they don’t like a forrins and cut us off from our neighbours taking away opportunities from kids that they had. the truly selfish generation.
I'm glad that your in laws are part of the 5% of their population that have had 2 doses. They have a government that has changed its mind more than once about the benefits of the AZ vaccine. At first the AZ jab was "almost ineffective" for over 65s. As a result they failed to use 75% of their stock, whilst at the same time accusing us of not sharing it out with them. They've been slow with rollout too, and are miles behind us and are in lockdown now. No doubt they'll end up with a few more dead countrymen before they jab as much as we've done.
I'm genuinely laughing. I'm one of the fish and that was a bite? When I first read your post I couldn't help but think of this because I had no idea who you were addressing.
That’s a big generalisation there Mr Viz. Speaking as a ‘boomer’ I think we are/were a fortunate generation – but only in retrospect. Didn’t look like that at the time. The late 70s and 80s with the start of the loss of industry things didn’t look too bright. Like any generation some got lucky, most got along, too many didn’t. I had no part in destroying any community and never voted for Thatcher. And I can’t accept any personal responsibility for political and economic forces that changed not just this country but the world. At the same time, I personally know too many people of my generation who would benefit from a punch in the face due to their ‘I’m alright jack/ racist attitudes. And most worryingly they are not knuckle draggers and don't express their views on social media.
Thatcher didn’t get elected on 100% votes so some fought against it but the majority bought into the greed is good rhetoric then and the Brexit rhetoric later. Same voters. Same results.