There's no magic wand for whoever takes over. It's going to be tough. But I'd rather that process be put in the hands of a party not continually mired in sleaze, constant lies, awash with Russian money, intent on marginalising the NHS, destroying workers rights, health and safety rights etc. A party that is committed to protecting the population as a whole rather than protecting businesses and cronies from the population.
I agree with the fact we're in a difficult position. I also think that a lot of the bad policies we have that got us here were developed or started by new labour eg PFI buildings, private companies doing more in the NHS etc (and even just chucking money at it without reforming the top heavy management culture), cosying up to Russian oligarchs, unwittingly creating a low wage economy by subsidising said low wages with tax credits etc. The inequality index (you know the one where the wealthiest 10% own 28% of the wealth etc) shot up under new labour, Gordon Brown as chancellor listened to the banks at Davos in 2000 and relaxed all rules so they wrecked the economy in 8 years flat with their greed, plus the interventionist foreign wars etc BUT....the tories grossly overplayed austerity as paying people, especially in the public sector, less plays into their philosophy, despite lower wages driving down demand in the economy as workers are also consumers. They've been idiots to renege on levelling up/northern powerhouse and spiteful in the way they have dished out what little they have based on how constituencies voted. They went kleptocracy max in the pandemic and have now just run out of ideas and need to go. At previous elections they scared everyone by saying we didnt want a minority government propped up by Sturgeon, which we don't. But now labour should be saying go out and vote for us en masse to avoid a minority government. I'm not saying they'll be any good but they can't be any worse