George getting the electric shock.? I might have told you about mine? In Hanover, mid 90s? Much worse.. I felt fine, when I came ‘round. But apparently my pulse disappeared for a minute.. Played the gig.
I give in! Have you got to the bit yet where Macca is strumming away on his guitar, looking for a bit of inspiration, and comes up with what becomes Get Back, seemingly out of nothing. A Beatle, coming up with the idea of one of their biggest songs, on camera. Unless someone has got Julian on film, handing his dad a painting he did of his friend at school, or Paul waking up not hungry for some scrambled eggs, but singing about them, or an angry George sat in his mate’s garden with a guitar, noticing the sun appearing, I don’t think you’re gonna see the like of that again. Peter Jackson must have wet his pants when he came across that clip. My jaw hit the floor anyway.
Yes, have watched the first disc. George has just flounced out, that’s the bit I thought you meant..There’s loads of highlights & early busking of Get Back is brilliant. I’ve seen it before, because I remembered his strumming bass chords & George yawning.. Macca’s generally unbearable though & John’s too loved up to notice.. I can’t wait til they get to Saville Row & Billy Preston joins them..
yes, the whole atmosphere changes when he arrives. The Fabs are on their best behaviour and John looks like he’s eased off n the old heroin. the whole doc increases Mal’s ‘5th Beatle’ bid. He shows himself to have been an essential part of the Beatles machine