Maybe he was naive, however it seems to me that rather than build on his first season (in which he probably exceeded expectations) he was asked to do the same again but this time with a gag on and both hands behind his back. I'd be looking at my options too.
There’s managers/head coaches that been under far more testing restrictions than Stendel who don’t appear to have done the same thing. Recruitment wasn’t great in the Summer by any means, although maybe only two players short of a really decent side, however ‘once a red always a red’ doesn’t ring true 100% when you’re trying to leave without your employer knowing? Two sides to every story though. I’m sure the other side will come out in due course
It’s all supposition, maybe they (attempted to) sacked him at the time, but he went to his lawyers, they gave a case that they couldn’t sack him, so they have continued to pay him this last few months trying to work an agreement out. Now he gets the offer of a new job, but he can’t take it as he’s still ‘employed’ by us, so maybe he thinks I’ll just resign now, hearts appoint him as he’s now ‘resigned’ but BFC are not accepting his resignation so still claim compensation.??????? bit of a a mess whatever’s gone off
I think most people go about looking for another job without the knowledge of their employer. Same for me and you. Your employer finds out once you have sorted yourself.
Football employment isn’t the same as daily life though. Nobody has to pay my current employer to take me away.
You'd know if you were on gardening leave or sacked by the money or lack of it entering your bank account each month surely? Conway's interview is interesting on this. He's asked directly if Stendel was in our employ but refuses to answer stating we have rights on him whatever that means.
Nah, the principal is the same. Me, you, Daniel ....when the time comes to test the water, you look after yourself til there is something to be said.
Not the same at all. Contractually I’m doing nothing wrong speaking to other companies about a job, which isn’t the case in football. And I think he was doing more than testing the water ......
I don't understand the confusion. If someone is sacked, surely they are given a termination letter of some description. It has a date on it. If that person then goes for a job elsewhere and their prospective employer says "Are you still working for X?" (and in the circumstances, they'd be stupid not to ask). They say "No, I've been sacked. I have a letter to that effect in my possession." End of. I can't see any room for misunderstanding in all this. Either such a letter exists or it does not. Sooner or later either BFC or Hearts will have to admit they got it wrong. Until then, all we can do is watch from the sidelines. There's a couple of big games coming up this week. I'll do my best to concentrate on them instead.
Bloody hell I'd forgotten about those. I've also forgot to have my tea, I'm bloody starving. I also need a new keyboard...
There's also another thing that's confusing. If a club says they've separated from the manager. If all the fans believe he is no longer employed by said club then is it not fair for another club in another country to assume said manager is unemployed? At what point does tapping up occur? If I call mourinho up now and at "eyup Jose do you want a job working for me?" Is that tapping up?
Think or know? If you think so, do you blame him? If you know so, as I suspect, then put up, so we can stop squabbling.
Even if it has "by mutual agreement" on it, it's still written proof that the person's employment has ended. In which case, they can take another job without any comeback. So again, there's either written proof or there isn't. Look, stop distracting me. I'm trying to get in the right frame of mind for Wednesday.
I meant an agreement between the two clubs by mutual agreement, meaning we won’t find out what the outcome was
Actually that's a good idea, I've got some eggs in the fridge that need using up before Easter. Given this afternoon's statement, I'll probably poach them...