Definitely Val for me, we need some fight and spirit in this team and he would certainly bring that back.
I dont think Stendel is realistic either unfortunately - I think the only realistic option this season is Disco as anyone else costs additional cash but he would be dumb to take it even if offered
I'd happily take another season of L1 Stendel - most fun I've had watching tarn since the Clarkey/Hunter promotion seasons.
I loved L1 and if we were guaranteed the same experience next season I wouldn't be that fussed, but I honestly think, unless there are drastic changes over the summer, we're going to see a continuation of the current skip fire.
Stendel spoke about unfinished business when he left and the owners obviously got over their issues with him. Whether it’s a good idea or not, who knows but I’d say there would be a chance. I suspect Poya will be leading us in league 1 next season though. They paid compo to get him from Sweden so reckon they’ll stick with him