It was under the leadership of Labour PM Gordon Brown that the tide started to turn. In 2009, on the 20th anniversary of the disaster, Andy Burnham spoke at Anfield with a message from Mr Brown, in which he praised the courage of the families of the 96. But Mr Burnham was heckled by the crowd, who shouted “Justice for the 96” as he read the message. Following the memorial service Mr Burnham, backed by Garston MP Maria Eagle, called for full disclosure of all Hillsborough documents. Mr Burnham said he was called by the Prime Minister after the service. He said: “What people don’t know is that literally minutes afterwards, I walked into the centenary stand and received a call from Gordon. He said ‘That’s a brilliant thing you’ve done. Thanks for doing it – you’ve done the right thing’. “The next day, we had a Cabinet meeting and I said to Gordon ‘I’m going to raise Hillsborough’. “It wasn’t on the agenda and it wasn’t on the Government’s radar, and I asked him if he minded. He said ‘No, I don’t’. I said ‘I’m not saying this just because I had a bad time yesterday’. “To his eternal credit, Gordon Brown immediately backed me up and from that meeting came all the developments regarding the Hillsborough Independent Panel.” In January 2010 the Hillsborough Independent Panel was formed. No probe into miners' strike Battle of Orgreave as furious Labour demands 'truth' behind police actions Article long winded but it’s there if you wish to find. The freedom of information act was put in place in 2005.
Not sure about that. Flu virus vaccines are given annually so effectively boosters. This may be the case with any Covid virus.... Now, I was once told that the so called 'common cold' (which is actually a bacteria rather than a virus) is, in fact multiple different strains of bacteria with similar symptoms hence you can experience the same or similar symptoms many time in your life but become immune to each one once exposed but only that particular strain. That information came for a doctor in response to me asking why, as you get older, even though your immune system is supposedly less effective you seem to get fewer colds. He went on to tell me bacteria like Tetanus need boosters since the immune system 'forgets' as they are so infrequently exposed to the strain whilst exposure to all the cold strain bacteria out there means you get fairly regular exposure to the 'colds' you have so the immune system gets 'reminders' . I have no idea whether these are factually correct but , as I said it was from a medical practitioner so he may have 'dumbed down for me' . So if, as some scientists are claiming, there is some subtle variance of the Covid19 circulating it could account for re-infection so soon after someone has recovered and antibodies are supposedly present. I also read yesterday of two groups of researchers in different countries, came up with the same conclusion i.e. it indicated that people with 0+ blood types are less likely to contract the serious form of Covid. When it comes to the spread of Covid though, I found the following re blood groups.... Different ethnic and racial groups also have different frequencies of the main blood types in their populations. For example, 51 percent of African-Americans and 57 percent of Hispanics are type O, but only 45 percent of Caucasians are type O. Therefore, that should imply that Caucasians should be most impacted. with acute symptoms of Covid whereas statistically the opposite appears to be the case. This, again IMO implies social rare more impacting than biological factors, i.e. social housing, deprivation, overcrowding, large groups congregating (even regular church goers) in many ethnic groups in, for example the U.S: Nevertheless the herd immunity concept, if you remove the Social factors, given the above suggests it, would have a more far reaching effect on Caucasians living in deprivation (and elsewhere) than other racial groups living in similar conditions. It is still a mystery though, how a single strain of a virus has such a huge range of symptom severity with no apparent indications or clear pattern emerging as to why. Scientists still have a long way to go before they understand the virus. Let us all hope it doesn't in the meantime, mutate into something even more deadly. Any medical experts on here, I would be interested to hear what your views are on the above.
Surprisingly, that is broadly similar to the percentages of the UK population that are overweight (35%), obese (28%) or morbidly obese (3.6%) with those that are obese or morbidly obese having worse health and outcomes than those that aren't.,is%20classified%20as%20'overweight'
The "common cold" is actually around 400 different strains of rhinovirus or coronavirus - mostly rhinovirus iirc.
I Didn't know that. I knew there were many strains but the doctor called them bacterial infections rather than viruses. So they need a host to survive then?
Definitely not bacterial. Antibiotics work on bacteria - like plague or syphilis. Whereas cold is a virus that is not touched by antibiotics (in fact, prescribing antibiotics for colds is contributing to the rise in antibiotic resistant bacteria)
Makes sense since all these cold remedies have only ever IMO tackled the symptoms. Most colds only last a few days anyway and usually follow the same pattern (unless you are someone with underlying medical issue like asthma or sinusitis)
I think where the confusion arises is that the common cold can often cause a bacterial infection so often people have both virus and bacteria
I think all the north of England will be tier 3 before long with councils selling out their people to the government money unlike Burnham. My own area are doing their best to sound like a manager getting a vote of confidence so that when it happens they can say they told us so and we didn't listen blah blah blah.
It’s correct. I know a couple of nurses who’ve worked on COVID wards & they say the majority of people on ventilators & in a bad way are obese. They can’t understand why people aren’t been told about this so they have the information & the choice to do some exercise & reduce their risk
It's been known for months the fatter you are the more at risk you are. The information has been out there and people shouldn't need telling that they would be more at risk of something killing people if they aren't in good shape.
There will be roots all over the country soon enough. Have a read at this Liverpool story.... A successful business man who'd lost over 600k this year with 25k in just one day and he still has to pay his six figure rent and isn't entitled to government help.