I read somewhere that if you subject people to two to three werks of intensive fear mongering that it essentially brain washes them and leaves them struggling with the ability to make rational thoughts on a subject. It would appear so given you want to inject a virus into someone.
Trumpet, as had it if you believe him and at a no-mask rally, wanted to kiss everybody, if the tw@t came near me I'd knock him spark out.
I asked in an earlier post where have all the students been infected and how come there has been a second rise then? It's come out of relative nowhere. The numbers also suggest it hasn't spawned in the large gatherings you suggested or in the pubs. Where the f eck is it coming from?
The level required for "herd immunity" depends on the R0 of the virus in question. Its a fairly standard formula (=1-(1/r0)), and the higher R0, the higher the level required. Measles, for instance, requires ~95% which is why people not vaccinating their kids means we are starting to see increasing cases. Based on R0 of 3.5 (lower CDC estimate that closely matches the spread in the UK in March), we need 71% for herd immunity. Or another 8-9 waves like the first. If R0 is 5.7 (centre of CDC estimate), we need 82% - or another 10 waves like the first. If R0 is higher still (8.9 is higher CDC band), we need 89% or 11 waves.
The levels in some parts of the country were higher than London when the national lockdown was lifted - London was used as the template, so London was ~3/100000 and Manchester was 13/100000 - almost 4 times higher. With community spread once the hospitality and offices opened and schools went back it started to spread out again at an exponential rate - which is a lower rate than the initial spread because of masks, handwashing, social distancing, working from home, etc, etc.
Army on the streets - that's a good look, for Miltiary Junta's - why do people think putting the army on the streets is a good idea? It worked so well in Northern Ireland, the army are trained to kill people not manage low level social disorder or a few scroats having a party. I really do worry that the latent love some people have for anti-democratic ways of living if ever given full voice would have us trying out fascism for a while - I'll give you a clue - its been tried, it doesn't work.
Might as well..we spent the best time of year to have street parties more or less comfined to barracks.
Selfish and irresponsible attitudes have led to the high infection rate in liverpool and other areas as it is. This kind of behaviour doesn't help, and I do feel for the eldrely and vulnerable in these areas.
The blame the people not the govt strategy is working well. Classic Dom. He’s right we really are mugs.
My understanding was it had to be done within 27 days of a confirmed infection, to see if any antibodies had evolved.
Very strange with trump isn,t it, he was deemed ill enough with covid to have to be airlifted to hospital even though medical care at the white house is top notch, 2 days later he,s out and about waving to his supporters, now 2 weeks later he,s out wanting to kiss everyone, his son let it slip that he had received a special treatment, so imo, he never had it at all, or there is a treatment out there and its being sat on...
If people can catch it again. The likelihood is there will be no effective vaccine. As if you'd had it before it ought to trigger an immune response. So you might be right. I just hope Trump wasn't injected with bleach.
Intensive fear mongering and brain washing? It's a pity it didn't work with those morons in Liverpool. Still..there hasn't actually been any fear mongering has there?
Do they want to get it though? I think they're being very naive and a bit silly, but resorting to injecting them with a disease á la Mengele is a bit OTT!
Excess deaths in the UK thus far from the pandemic are the highest in Europe. While future trends are unpredictable, it will require a sea change to alter the UK’s unfavourable ranking significantly. And as the UK already trails many European countries in terms of life expectancy, it could slide further down life expectancy league tables. our drinking culture does not help