thats the rub, whenever the call for “the army” comes usually it’s from people who’ve no idea what they do, what they’d be used for or what reaction if could cause. it’s not state secrets that the military could be used to backfill mod police positions who in turn could support regular police. the military are fantastic when it’s used as a force for good... maybe flood relief etc as an example or as you’ve stated helping carry out Covid testing but to place untrained persons in the front line of crime and disorder would be a very dangerous thing.
Picket. Biggest Bstds were some if not most of the Met. Different breed. That was my experience. I’ve always said. SYP turned a blind eye as coppers stick together. That’s not second hand. My mate who I grew up with said that when I asked him what the hell were they thinking of.( now a detective if not retired) The Met going home and leaving SYP to face the music of family and friends.
Thats who were the ***** (apparently) taking their collar numbers off and waving money at you lot, disgusting behavior, sounds like they foooked you lot over and tried passing the buck saying they were army, and years later people still believe that tripe No, luckily I wasn't, it was a career that never floated my boat, my uncle / grandad worked at grimethorpe and the advice they gave me was " dont go down the pit" surely after 12 months on the picket line you yourself would have witnessed these phantom soldiers you said your " friend seen" and I'm sure a miners dad impersonating a police officer would have been all over the news, or come out on tv years later, I can remember the hatred for the police at the time and I'm sure he wouldn't have got away with that, hatred runs deep, jesus even 30 odd year old grown men who have no memory of the mines who were born after the strike are called " scabs" when we play forest, so NO he would have been found out
A former colleague was ex-SYP and he told some stories about the Met in 84/5. One day, they were leaving to go back to London and the SYP noticed that the TV had gone from the break room at Snig Hill - they had to chase their Met colleagues down the Parkway to get the TV back.
What relevance is that? Are you suggesting that because someone has exceeded the average life expectancy that they've had their time and it doesn't matter if they die? It sounds like you are and you wouldn't be the first to say as much on here.
Exactly this, it was the Met and many were still gloating about it years later. They soon shut up when I told em I was from Barnsley and my old man was on the picket lines and at Orgreave. Regarding troops being brought in, our boys and girls are the best in the world at humanitarian and peace keeping duties. However I doubt any of em would want to police their own people. Policing and soldiering are two very different vocations. Similar in many ways but being asked to deal with your own folk isn't one they would relish. I know lads currently serving and they've told me, to be asked to do that under these circumstances isn't soldiering.
Happened and much worse, our local copper used to feed intel to the Monk Bretton miners like many other local coppers who hated em.
Maybe the ordinary soldiers weren’t involved but I had a friend in the forces which were attached the SAS in Hereford and there’s been quite a few stories on how breaking miners heads as part of their training ( the SAS that is not my friends regiment )
I'm not saying what you've been told is false but from my experiences with our special forces I'd have thought they'd have told Maggie to her face to f*ck off. A lot of em are working class lads from towns like Barnsley with a strong sense of protecting their own folk.
Been in the army over 30 years, believe me not one of us would want to be kitted out for public order against our own citizens, not a chance, it goes against everything we believe in, the army are used under MACA( military aid to civil authorities) fire fighters strike/ flood relief/ foot and mouth/ olympics ( when G4S were inept) in many more, but public order imitating police wtf, for people to suggest that is absolutely mental, again thanks met police for your propaganda