I really don't know what people expect, and if they understand how money works (plus companies going bust, covid etc)
Out of interest, how do you have a phased opening of a bridge? Were they planning to open one set of steps so you could go half way over and then turn back?
You are allowed halfway across, then turned back by an over zealous man with a high-vis jacket and clipboard.
The lifts aren’t ready and wouldn’t have been in use had the opening gone ahead as planned tomorrow. Phase 1: Anyone that can get up the stairs Phase 2: Those that need to use the lifts
5 years and 12 million quid and what do you get? A bridge that isnt even fookin waterproof! Only in Baaaarnsley
The whole project has been cursed from the outset. I do feel sorry for the council a little bit, but they don’t help themselves sometimes. They’ve clearly rushed to get it finished (probably due to pressure from residents), not delivered the initial public realm plans for Midland street, and changed the cladding from what was in the plan. I wish they hadn’t used more of that horrible cladding and stuck to a more neutral colour!
You seem to know quite a bit about what's going on with the town centre works. When will the lifts be ready for use?
presumably the equipment room is something to do with the lifts. Not sure why they cant open it as a footbridge so anyone who can manage the steps can use it but just have the lifts out of action until the leaks are fixed - what am I missing?