Nice story. I’d want to see it refurbished. Wednesday did it with their main stand. The West stand is the only interesting one we have. The other three and breeze block and plastic - awful.
Brilliant post. John Peachy was the "Prince". I'm Peachey and you are the "Prince of Ris.... sorry can't b bothered. x
Yes I remember Big John being called the Prince when he had that great partnership with Brian Joicey. He reminded me a bit of Brad Potts with his loping stride and deceptive pace.
Same here TYK. In our one and only Season in the Premiership my son and his mate got a Season ticket for the Ponte Road end, whilst mine was in the West Stand lower concourse. I hadn't had an ST before then because due to family commitments, I couldn't attend every game. At first, I liked seeing the game from the West Stand area, because the other three sides of the ground looked very good. I came to regret it though when the weather turned. If rain was forecast, like many fellow fans in that area, I had to dress as though I was about to go fishing in the North Sea. Waterproofs over my tea shirt and trousers, gloves, hooded overcoat and rubber boots etc. From that season to this, I've always sat in the East Stand lower, because I get an elevated view of the action and don't get soaked in sweat if it rains.
“Deceptive pace.” Interesting description. He was slow, couldn’t trap a cement mixer and had a finish (Scunthorpe excepted) like Willie Ferry.
Why can’t we have a signing area where all the so called naughty boys from the top side of the ponty end can all get to getter and make some noise away from all the do Gooders who go just to moan sit down stop swearing bloody hell its a football match Ps I am sat at home watching Liverpool v Man City and all the noise is coming from behind the goals where about 90per cent are STOOD UP
Simple then take a few rows of seat out in that top corner and let the young uns go and get behind the super reds
The youngsters in the top corner of the Ponty, who did most of the singing, have been stopped congregating there.
West Stand is terrible for the acoustics, the ground is just too open, Dennis fecked up with those stands. Bramall Lane is a perfect example of a good closed ground that helps the atmosphere, they've filled in the corners and enclosed the ground.
I'm not sure how he ****** up, he just didn't finish it did he? Don't forget that he built the east then one stand behind the goals before filling that corner in, then built the stand behind the other goal but before there was any chance to fill it in we went into administration. Since then we've had a bit of paint in one stand.
Nothing makes you prouder as a BFC fan when we are playing well and the ponte is in full voice, I don't know why it's stopped as it does urge on the team and makes oakwell a tough place for opposing teams to play. If it is heavy handed stewarding then that needs sorting as we need a better atmosphere in the ground and the players are doing there bit just about but the fans seem to expect we win easy every week as a bare minimum and just can't get excited. Small away crowds is definitely an issue but we need to do something like as said by others a standing singing section, better music, cheap tickets, free tickets to schools. anything. Sentiment aside to improve the atmosphere the west stand and the corner section s do need developing when we get promoted so we need to start work now.
It’s always been basically the same, different mindset when we are away. BUT I do believe there are other reasons, when it was all standing, you knew where to stand if you wanted to sing and could just go there unencumbered by ticket restrictions etc and people with kids who wanted to lessen the impact of language could move further away etc. There is also no getting away from the fact that to get some atmosphere you need a good away following too and some action on the pitch, we all remember times when an incident has sparked the crowd off, used to love it when we were pouring towards the Ponty with ‘attack’ ‘attack’ ringing out. Just to throw this out there, just remember a lot of these ‘old miseries’ have done their time among the singing fraternity, I know I have but age dulls everything everything eventually, but maybe just maybe there aren’t as many going to games that want to sing as there used to be?
They aren't persecuting them though, are they? They are simply asking them to sit in the seats they have purchased. Mainly because otherwise 15 of them are stood in the space where 10 people sit, some of which are season ticket holders who don't appreciate this and complain to the club. Not to mention the damage and the complaints about drinking and drug taking. The club can't win really. Either way, there are complaints. There is talk from the club about finding a signing area at Oakwell. The north stand has been mentioned. I'm not sure if this would work or not but it's worth a try, isn't it?
The problem for me is that the stewards and staff who decided to implement the crackdown on the people in the top corner move them on from there and they congregate in different parts of the stand. Where I sit in gangway one we've had a group of about 15 crammed in the 8 seats and on to the steps by us for most of this season and half of last season. I take my little lad and twice when we have scored he's nearly been squashed by them jumping over the seats and pushing each other over due to it being overcrowded. I enjoy a good atmosphere as much as the next person and I really do think something needs to happen to accomadate those who want to stand together and sing because at the moment moving them apart into other areas is causing problems and killing the atmosphere.
How many have been charged for drinking in the ground??? How many have been charged for using drugs ??? We need all these young uns in the ground to make a noise there are the further of Our CLUB like it or not