Totally agree. The amount of times I've come out of oakwell thinking 'the game was OK I suppose but it needed a bit more bigotry' is unreal. As for the ripper song, it's always been disgusting Singing about and glorifying a ******* serial killer. If you don't see why that is wrong then you are a ******* idiot. Would love to see your reaction to someone singing it if your wife, mother, daughter got raped and murdered.
But what about singing about the Yorkshire Ripper wearing suspenders? Could be classed as homophobic, but would be dammed witty ditty!
Wouldn't it be cross-dresser phobic? You don't have to be trans to wear clothes generally associated with the other gender.
I'd probably argue not. A bit of light hearted banter, that isn't insulting, if you assume it is aimed at male fans and that being gay is an insult, (which it isn't), where as singing "you're just a town full P**is" is both sad and racist, as I've heard chanted at Bradford games.
I would agree with you on both points JP. One is clearly banter, the other is clearly racist. I heard the latter being chanted at an Oldham game a few years ago. I think one fan was arrested and charged.
Agree, it’s the same at most clubs, most of them are students who are pretty small & thin & they’re never in a million years going to want to confront a group of well built blokes abusing someone who’ve probably been boozing & I don’t blame them. Don’t really know how you get round the issue other than hoping fans sort themselves out. On the plus side most of the racism has gone, it was only 10 years ago I heard Odejayi, JCR, Moore etc get racially abused by our own fans & I’ve not heard any racist abuse at Oakwell in years now so hopefully the same will happen with homophobic abuse
One of my best mates (a gay bloke from Barnsley who likes football and occasionally watches BFC) thought that was absolutely hilarious. While there's absolutely no place for bigotry of any kind in football, I can't abide people who take offence for the sake of it at things that aren't offensive, especially on behalf of other people who clearly aren't remotely offended by the said thing.
That's not the point tho. Nicking people at football for chanting whatever ******** is a step too far ... Just see how theyve gone on in the SPL .. banning or trying to ban anything deemed to be sectarian even when it isn't... Or Criminalizing Palestinian, irish,rainbow or kurdish flags at UEFA games .. because it's viewed as political.
It is partly the point - exercising discretion and common sense rather than blanket banning everything is very important.