There’s an angle. Fail to make a team due to not being given time off work. Perhaps some self-employed players or staff in the same boat? Stick a claim into SYP for loss of earnings. That should be good press for em.
Isn't it not just assumed it's a 3pm Saturday kick off until its confirmed? Hence the clubs announcement yesterday. As others have said, Sunday afternoon would have made much more sense, but none of us know really how much say the club had in it.
Iam sure they will let any teachers play,they get enough inset days lol. Can't be that many teachers play for them anyway. Still wrong to change it against a part time team.
They could quite easily have said "the weekend of..." But they didn't they actually put on our own website that it was Saturday at 3pm.
Thats the killer question isn't it - If emergency services can't cope and need to schedule one of the cup ties on the Friday why on earth haven't they scheduled that one. Why schedule the game involving a part time non league team around 275 miles away playing the biggest game in their history?
Inset days are school wide and come out of teachers’ holidays, they can’t just choose to take them whenever. It’s practically impossible to get a day off in term time as a teacher, most schools won’t even let you attend medical appointments these days, never mind play a football match. I’m just going off what their vice chairman said, which is that a few of their players are teachers.
Did Horsham have any say at all From their vice chairman's letter it appears not as its hard to see them agreeing to an away evening game on a work/.school day. If Horsham didn't have any say what about us? could we push back and fight for at least Sunday or did we just roll over and agree to this one because for us its not such a big deal - we may lose a few hundred fans from the attendance but at presumably £10 per ticket and only getting half the gate money its small change for us.
Case in point - the sky sports scores app still has the game as kicking off 3pm Saturday 4th. It was advertised at that time everywhere. I still can’t get my head around doing this to Horsham. The obvious game to move would have been Donny Accrington but they’ve moved league games with less notice too, so Rotherham could have been switched, without affecting the precious premier league.
I imagine the fixture list, including on club websites are taken from a central feed And what do you propose the club do with these newly grown balls?
Done. As have several more including BFCST. FAO Dr A Billings/SYP police commissioner. We as Barnsley fans are in full agreement with the statement below. *( posted the Horsham statement)* It seems fans are not considered re the inconvenience. Especially Horsham fans on one of their biggest days in the clubs history. Given Doncaster v Accrington are a hour and half journey. 85 miles And Barnsley v Horsham a 4+ hrs journey. Much less inconvenience for the Accrington fans, as you can see. In our opinion not much thought has been put into this situation. And why not the sunday. As many games have been moved to in the past. I understand its Bonfire night but most arranged events will take place on the saturday. Even if not. An early kick off on the Sunday would have been more palatable than what's been put forward. As in the letter to yourself below. Most of us feel there is enough time to come up with a better solution such as those put forward. Yours sincerely
Cracking that. Sadly I feel it will fall on deaf ears. SYP have a history of treating our fan base in particular as criminals based on sporadic historic episodes of bad behaviour by a minority.
No, these are FA rules. Once the TV games are decided then all other games automatically default to 3pm on Saturday - no announcement needed tbh. They say 'weekend of' at the time of the draw in order to cover the situation until the TV games are decided. FA Cup rule 68 - "In the Competition Proper, where the date fixed for playing the round of Competition Matches is a weekend date, the default date is the Saturday;" FA Cup rule 78 - "......a Competition Match scheduled to take place on a Saturday or Sunday shall kick-off at 3.00pm......" Interestingly the rules also say:- FA Cup rule 50 - "Where, at the request of the police and/or a relevant local authority, a Competition Match cannot be played on the date scheduled, then that Competition Match will be automatically rescheduled to the following day unless otherwise directed by The Association." So that would mean that Sunday should have been considered before moving to the Friday and somewhere between SYP and the FA has been ruled out.
With respect mate he do we know the last paragraph hasn't been fulfilled. They will more than likely have discussed it during the week. If not, point well made.
Accrington took the princely number of 149 to their first round fixture last season. As exotic as a trip to Donny is I can hardly seeing hordes more clamouring to get to this game given their subsequent relegation, the onset of some internal in-fighting and the fact that an away game against a team in the same division is hardly an attractive prospect at the best of times.
I was only going off what the Horsham chap had said on Facebook, which aligns with what you've said above. He said they'd find out by Friday what games were on TV and then the date would be confirmed shortly after. With regards to the last point then, SYP have dictated it's to be played on the Friday, as going by that, it should have defaulted to Sunday at 3pm.