Most of the replies are bloody worrying. It's no wonder so many people have been catching the virus if they haven't been thinking that way already.
“If you suppress something very, very hard, when you release those measures it bounces back and it bounces back at the wrong time,” The government is concerned that if not enough people catch the virus now, it will re-emerge in the winter, when the NHS is already overstretched." Patrick Vallance 13 March 2020
Wow. They called it. That ‘science’ wasn’t good enough for the media though was it? So they ended up having to backtrack and do lockdown.
It certainty seems like Sir Patrick was right on the money doesn't it. As I remember all the press jumped on after that was the comment about herd immunity. Which of course he did say, but he didn't suggest letting the virus run rampant as they portrayed. With the benefit of hindsight it seems it was a case if damned if we do damned if we don't.
450 people die every day in the UK from cancer. Day in, day out, week in, week out, during the summer and the winter. It has killed significantly more people since March 2020 than Covid-19 and is the actual cause of death for many people who are in the Covid-19 figures (why some believe the only people who die after a positive Covid-19 test from anything else are the handful who die from trauma is anyone's guess) . Imagine that figure being the news headline every day, with the majority of the news programme devoted to it. I can already hear people typing about cancer not being infectious disease, as though that's a valid point, but it is, in many cases, preventable by lifestyle changes. There's a Tweet making waves that states in the last 3 days more Americans have died than did in a combination of wars and terrorist attacks. The numbers scare people, which is the point of it, for whatever reason keeping people in a state of fear is the motivation behind many news stories, tweets, social media comments. A minute or two of research will prove this is true of any three days.
The UK's biggest killer is smoking and yet not only is it legal but the government utilise it as a revenue stream. People die of covid: the country must be shut down. It doesn't matter what it costs, we must save all lives. Close the country, lock people in their homes, taken away freedoms. People die from smoking: hey we can make money out of this
No there isn't my answer. If someone is laying in a hole 6 foot in the ground then they're dead regardless of reason I'm not talking about contagious or not I'm talking about dead bodies. One killer we are attempting to stop at all cost. At great financial cost. The other we profit from. How does smoking not being contagious explain why we allow it to be the UK's biggest killer and use it as a revenue stream?
Passive smoking is, and has been, for decades. And we still have a minority complaining they’re forced to do it in external designated areas. In terms of the harm it causes.
The government don't think that way though. If they really wanted us to act like we've got the virus we wouldn't have so many places still open during another half assed lockdown.
Yes. It will mutate and we will have be constantly improving the vaccines as they become less effective. Here to stay I'd say but less severe as we adapt to life with it. Hope I'm wrong