I didn’t get there until 2:30pm as was just going for the match but dad got there for just after 11am. He wanted to show his colleague around who went to Wembley and now has a season ticket. He was going to do the ‘tour’ (changing rooms and exec boxes etc.) but everything was closed. You could then get in to the stadium later with a match/season ticket but that’s not ‘open’ to the public as you have to pay. An Open Day is supposed to be when everything is opened up to the general public to have a look around. Same with players autographs/selfies etc. People who had paid somewhere along the line could have them after the match but as Helen says, everyone used to be able to do that for free.
2 kids rides Bouncy castle Trampolines Few football related activities.(3 to my knowledge) Bit of a Bike/scooter park Couple of Hook a prize stalls. Fire brigade. 3/4 over expensive food Stalls. Fan zone. Entertainment and speakers. A couple of information stalls. Hardly bugger all and not Tubys funfair I agree. but a bit more than the picture you paint. We were well aware of the shop contents and that is the most disappointing thing for me. I have never known at least the home strip not to be available before the start of the season and that needs addressing big style for next season. They've lost a lot of revenue. And I agree that IS TINPOT. No way of getting away from it. We as a family would normally spend 100s on stuff for hols.
The open day isn't an open day anymore, it's a glorified trade show with an hook a duck stall. To be fair to the current owners, it's been terrible since Patrick cryne took control of the club and has gone downhill year after year. They could really do so much with it but there has to be an appetite to improve it from those running the club and there just isn't sadly. For me I'd be getting tuby's (or another fair) to have a proper fair like they have down grange lane for a few days in the week running up to it. The fair would culminate on Saturday and on that Saturday the stadium would be open, the fanzone would be open, players would be doing interviews and signing autographs, interviews etc. There'd be competitions like skills challenges where fans can take on players or players go head to head etc One of the bands that are usually out and about in the town centre for events would be around, get the grannies on trolleys down or something, jugglers and things from barnsley college. Make it a real carnival. Then on the Sunday a training session everyone can watch before a women's friendly and then a men's friendly. Go big or go home, sadly for 20 years we've chosen to go home
And no offence to Crewe, but maybe culminate with a friendly against a team that's at least a league above us or a team from abroad, for a bit of interest.
To be fair, the majority of space was the pre-existing fan zone. The point of the day is surely to develop a bit of a relationship with new, younger fans - beyond Toby Tyke walking about, my kids could've been at the feast in Locke Park. It needs to be more about introducing kids to their future heroes - the fact I couldn't take my little lad for his first view of Oakwell or to even just watch the players train was a real miss imho. And like you, beyond mental that the club store was practically bare. Holiday next week, half hoped there'd be something to walk away with.
I'd also consider doing something in Town centre, take advantage of the new public square for more passing eyes. Player interviews, helping serve in some of the glassworks shops, play a player at bowling at the play area etc. It doesn't feel like it's too difficult to get right, but we haven't imho.