Exactly, not in my nature not to help someone out, my feet didn't agree though. I'm obvs too soft.. Same in another thing as well. I'm also a hypnotherapist and trained for a couple of reasons. One was my fascination in the untapped potential of the human mind and being able to help people, the other was I can do this part time and earn a few extra quid in the process. It wasn't one of those wowcher courses, I trained over the course of a year or so with practical and theory so it wasn't cheap. Anyway I've helped quite a few people now ranging from smoking to fears/phobias etc but never had the heart to charge them. I'm just more interested in the positive impact on their life and helping them out. Last person I helped needed an MRI scan on their head, went to the hospital and ran out of the room due to the claustrophobia. I did an hour session and a few days after they went and had the MRI scan perfectly calm. Very proud of that one because of the consequences should they not have managed to have it done. Power of the mind!
You're right there are loads of things that could be done to improve public health in general. I'd love a really stringent government campaign on basic awareness of disease transmission and general cleanliness. Even in the height of covid you'd see blokes wandering out of public toilets without a thought of washing their hands. Dirty b*****rds. Every loo should have a swing door so that you can kick it open rather than having to use the door handles the scruffy gits have infected.
Its only a minority in your mind, same as the other week when you said things were 'back to normal' Although people don't wear them outside I'd say its at least 60:40 wearing them inside in places I visit.
Thats long been a real annoyance of mine - you wash your hands then have to grab a door handle used by all those who didnt bother
I always grab a paper towel to open the door and then scrunch that and put it in a bin. If the bin is right by the door I can chuck it in and be out of the door before it shuts.
Until the government make it illegal to discipline people for being ill and staying away from work (a Tory government will never do this) then people will go into work while ill and continue to spread infectious diseases because the alternative is to lose your job. I've been positive for 12 days now and have got several symptoms and I'm not going in to work but subtle pressure is being put on me to return to work with comments like it's not a legal requirement to self isolate anymore etc, even though I could be sent to work in a hospital environment including locations such as cancer wards.
Things pretty are back to normal. A third of people no longer isolate with covid.... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...le-self-isolating-Freedom-Day-data-shows.html I barely see a mask these days in shops or on public transport. Very low numbers probably 1 in 5 if that. I have no problem with what anyone chooses to do, just those who think others should do as they do.
I think part of the idea is just to treat everyone the same. But life isn't life like that is it, context is king.
And this is where I despair at the selfishness of a large number of the British population 1000 people per week are dying of Covid - admittedly mostly those with other medical conditions so presumably we are doing them a service killing them early. You cant pretend that its back to normal that was before Covid existed as its a different normal now. It will be here for a while and there are sensible measures you can take to reduce transmission of Covid and many other diseases as well but it seems many dont want to make a tiny bit of effort to do that. If I know I have a very contagious and potentially fatal disease I don't want to pass it on whether it be Covid, Flu or something else like measles and would keep myself away from others. I am well enough to go to the shops but am staying in and for certain if I did need to go out for any reason I would be wearing a decent mask but it seems around 40% of the population don't care that they are spreading disease. But even in the pre covid era - if I thought I was going down with Flu I would keep myself in and not go visiting others - maybe had there been a flu test I would have used it if I suspected I might be infectious. As for employers that want their staff to come in with Covid (or Flu or Measles) that's just appalling. I work from home these days but my major client doesn't allow any staff with Covid near their site. They have to stay home, if they are well enough they can do some home working but they dont expect it ( they arent an English or American company of course)
Just curious do you have a problem with people who think that all should obey traffic lights or is it OK for those who find a red light a restriction of their freedom to ignore it and just drive through it Or those who think its wrong that people can break into their house and take their possessions after all burglers have freedom restricted if they havent everything they want
Those things are against the law. It's not against the law to not wear a mask. If someone chooses to wear one or not the other side shouldn't have a go at them for thinking differently to themselves.
If you know you have covid does the fact that its not illegal to go into a crowded area and not wear a mask make it a perfectly acceptable thing to do. Personally I think its totally wrong to knowing go around almost certainly infecting others with a disease that can be serious or even fatal. My wife does voluntary work with disabled people some of who with weaker immune systems now feel they cant safely leave their homes anymore as the risk is too great -I think that's a sad reflection on our society that a fair number dont care
You see, there's a slight problem here. My view of your action is neither here nor there to be honest. And you're right, not wearing a mask in an enclosed space, not washing your hands and touching every surface you want to touch, not giving people distance is all perfectly legal to do. Even knowingly having covid and doing those things doesn't enter into breaking a law. However.... All of those things could kill a person. Even someone young. Someone who looks perfectly able and fit. You could take their life. The only ability they have to try and not get covid which could serious alter their life or take it from them is to remove themselves from society. The very thing that people who ran the civil liberties and mental health arguments for 2 years seemingly didn't want. Though maybe they just didn't want that for themselves.
Not really sure what your angle is here? Regarding your headline question, are you angry that you thought it had finished and went to France and caught it? Or are you angry at other people for thinking it had finished? I don't think anyone is suggesting it's finished, it's a virus, it will linger around for years. I don't blame you for going on holiday by the way, but it feels a bit harsh to have your two weeks in the sun, catch covid, and then come back and start criticizing people for not wearing masks. Most people will use common sense, like with any cold or flu. If they are ill they will likely avoid contact with others, and if it is anything like the flu i had a few years ago they will stay in bed/on the sofa - I don't think genuinely ill people are just swanning around without a mask and laughing at the vulnerable? If they are really ill they wouldn't have the strength, and they wouldn't want to be out anyway, except to get some fresh air away from others.
Just a quick aside. You don't have to be really ill to have the virus or have the ability to unwittingly pass it on to someone else. From very limited first hand experience, I've seen enough people coughing their guts up and not wearing a mask.
No of course I know its not over but thats the narative being pushed by some both in government and in social media I knew there was a risk of catching it when I went to France though I did think the French were still requiring masks in enclosed spaces like ski lifts they dropped them in the week we arrived. I have a view that in crowded areas with poor ventilation like public transport face masks are a useful method of minimising risks to the more vulnerable in our society Id even extend that to supermarkets and shops though accept I am in a minority on that one The one that really does annoy me though is the fact that I know many people who know or believe they may be positive but havent tested if they dont feel too ill to go out can happily go out mask free and infect whoever they want. That makes the risk of going out unacceptably high for the 1.3 million vulnerable people. I am well enough to go out - in fact I have done most of a days work but I know I am still infectious. Do you think its would be OK for me to go to the coffee morning in the local church tomorrow. Its perfectly legal for me to do so though I may well infect a few senior citizens. Im sure you dont but a sizeable minority think if they arent at deaths door there is no problem passing it on to others
I think if you've covid and you can isolate you should. Some others won't be able to afford to especially with the way bills are going. If you can work from home you should. If someone works in a warehouse and can't get sick pay they are going to go in to get paid and shouldn't be had a go at for it.
But this is precicely the problem it shouldnt be necessary for someone with Covid to drag themselves to work. I can see that they might have to but there should be government support for sick pay. That was the point I was trying to make in my original post the Government is pretending its over and it is not. They are forcing people to go out to work with their stupid its all back to normal policy. A warehouse is probably lower risk as I suspect close contacts with others are limited, but what if you work in a shop or a bar do you go in to work and almost certainly infect some customers or do you lose pay and find you cant afford food and heating. Not a choice you should have to make This Tory goverment has squandered billions of pounds on failed projects that only lined the pockets of a few of their mates but cant do anything to help normal poorly paid people when they are ill - thats the real problem
I agree, on the personal level that if you know you have covid then the right thing to do is to isolate. My missus tested positive for the 2nd time a couple of weeks ago, I never tested positive but I also isolated until she tested negative for 2 days straight. Obviously for the most covid is asymptomatic so most people won't even know they are passing it on. Plus once tests are not free, hardly anyone will test so it is back to that point of if you feel unwell, stay away from other folk. I've always done that anyway. Just throwing this out there as a scenario, but if we don't get back to mass normality as we have done, the impact on the economy and public purse would end up in a place where we see mass redundancies and firms going out of business. So the problem wouldn't be helping the poorly paid, it would be how do we pay benefits to all the unemployed as the numbers go through the roof with a semi closed economy. You're pointing the fingers at the government for the all back to normal policy but I suspect if another party were in government now we'd see the same strategy once they are made accountable for the economy and public purse.