Hey t’owd man. Why don’t you just pm the person and ask them to block you? Better still gonna tell us who you can’t block
Another try: If you click someone's name or profile picture (in a thread, at the side of what they have posted) like this: You get a pop-out box. In that box, you click the option to ignore. You don't go to their profile page, you actually click ignore within the pop-out box. Like this: Ignore will change to Unignore, so you know you've done it, like this: Then just close the pop-out box by clicking the cross and you're all set.
Tried all that mate, but thanks. I can ignore other users. His original thread has disappeared so I assume something's altered with his profile.
It appears you can't put a poster on ignore if they've hidden their profile, yet they can read your history and place you on ignore. Find this ridiculous, majority of folk who hide their profile are trolls and WUMs who are often the first to accuse the club for lack of transparency!! Needs sorting.