I wasn’t 100% convinced about him but the defence as a whole were phenomenal so you can’t take anything away from him. Clean sheet on the board. Brilliant
Tha ed a fone……….....tha wer lucky... we had two tin cans an a bit ov string...……...if ah cud av tied a knot ah wud av voted for Bammbo
Anderson literally didn’t make a mistake all game & cleared two off the line. Diaby had an excellent game but on a couple of occasions he gave the ball away in daft areas & got a couple of headers wrong. Pretty easy decision for me
Jury still out .. came out and flapped at one second half which almost cost an undeserved equaliser. Apart from that he was fine.. cant judge on one game...
Agree it's way too early to judge. That flap could have been very costly. Still looked a lot better than Forest and Luton's debutants, they both had absolute mares!