Ok Boomer. One of the most ridiculous catchphrases ever conceived. You'd think no Conservative government was ever elected pre 1960 and that no liberal thinkers were ever born in the 50s and 60s.
People know right from wrong easy to blame the governmentfor everything. Pretty sure we had riots under labour government manningham riots for one. And we had a knife crime problem under the last Labour government.
Sorry I agree about the government being culpable, but lets not pretend there aren't some nasty horrible little barstewards out there causing mayhem and peoples 'ire' should absolutely be pointed at them too!
My mrs works at Cannon Hall Farm where they employ at lot of young uns, they do get some real lazy ones but they also get plenty of real hard working ones
Just out of interest, How would the police on foot, chase and catch perpetrators on e-bikes and scooters? And, by enforced community work do you mean the effective prison slavery like in the USA, where reoffending rates are significantly higher than in the countries in the other direction where rehabilitation is given priority?
Police on foot more able to spot perpetrators and get mobile help? Also why can't the police be mounted on something, by being on foot I meant more not being stuck in cars where they can't hear anything. Enforced community work was a way to repair damage caused by their ilk, ( for instance our village recently paid to smarten up an underpass with some lovely murals in vandal proof paint, not to be deterred some little shits went out of their way to badly scratch it instead) No objection to rehab IF they are willing to give it a good go, otherwise why just let them walk over communities unpunished? You call it slavery I call it being held culpable for their actions in a positive way.
I did say that people and kids were knobheads. I have studied Sociology for the best part of 20 years and its something I am really interested in, after completing A Level Psychology. Its a fact that Studies have shown that if you reduce funding into core public services (Not even considering Police numbers) that society suffers greatly. I'm actually really surprised that we haven't seen the mass riots that we saw in 2011 (Tory Govt again @redrum ). I have never felt as much despair as I do right now about the path which we have taken as a country. Take out Brexit, Immigration etc and even after that we have seen years and years of underfunding and needless Austerity, which has taken us back to the ages before I was born. Poverty and living standards lower than anytime post WW2. No wonder why there's no society left. So even as I am a Labour Party Member, my allegiance to them has nothing to do with the fact that these past few Tory Governments have ripped the heart and soul out of this country.