She is the gift that keeps on giving. Sent from my iPad using Barnsley FC BBS Fan Forum mobile app
The original post was a hoax and goes too far into the far-right viewpoint to be taken seriously, but there are some good underlying points in it - even for a left-wing libtard like myself. Immigrants to this country should have to speak English to a decent level to integrate better into the lifestyle. Germany offers courses to learn German to *all* immigrants (EU and non-EU), with up to 1800 hours of tuition subsidised at under 2Eu per hour - and I think immigrants have to prove they know the language to a certain level to apply for residency. I know it goes against the Tory government ethos to subsidise anything, but surely that would be a good start. Especially if linked into the benefits system, so new claimants have to prove that they are learning the language and attending the course every week to continue to claim benefits (maybe link something into the tax system so workers pay more tax if they cannot prove their English skills and do not attend such courses to cover the cost of translators).
And yet bizarrely the Tories are seen as the party of security, law and order, and I expect unfortunately the events in Manchester actually benefit them more than the other parties.
I am inclined to agree with you, its basic common sense to learn the language of a country you have moved to live in permanently, its not logical to expect that country to accommodate you by learning yours - clearly there are exceptions for things like tourism where it does make sense to make information available in other languages but anything needed for residents should be in English (or possibly welsh) I also think that as we are nominally a Christian country there is no possible reason for curtailing celebrations in case the offend other faiths - though I think the cases where this happens are probably exaggerated and not often requested by Muslems and Jews etc.
I tend to agree despite all evidence to the contrary they are seen as supportive of law and order whereas in reality they have undermined the rule of law by getting rid of police officers. Still it's a tipsy topsy world a government that is almost economically illiterate (can't even cost a kida breakfast properly) is seen as economically more sound.
I'd agree with all of that. Nothing used to irritate me more when I used to interview benefit claimants as having to pay for interpreters for claimants that had been on the country for 20 odd years. I tried to get our solicitor to recover costs if the matters went to court but never succeeded.
I don't know enough about the twitterbookfacesphere thing and so am not sure if the following is another fake/hoax but it's doing the rounds quite freely at the moment:- "Yesterday, a solicitor called Abdul Sattar Khan from Rawtenstall who happens to be a Muslim, posted his thoughts on FB about the Manchester atrocity. It was a mind blowing post and authentic - not a hoax. Within 2 hours it had 61k likes and had been shared almost 80,000 times... including mine. Today that post has disappeared and so has Mr Khan's FB profile. Just in case you missed it, here it is again, copied and pasted from the original. It gave me hope. Have a read and if you like it then why not share... Written by Abdul Sattar Khan. I've never been one to mince my words and I don't intend to now: We Muslims need to take a long hard look at ourselves and ask what are we actually contributing to this country in return for the hospitality we are offered? Proclaiming that "Well, I'm in such and such a profession and also a Muslim" is of no value or significance. What we do as work is our job for the purposes of income. What have we benefited this country in the context of the faith that you and I proclaim to follow? How much longer can we tolerate ******* child rapists in Rochdale & Halifax ? Drug dealing "bros" ravaging communities from Birmingham to Burnley? Idiot drivers from Blackburn to Rusholme? And now ******* suicide bombers - may their parents be eaten by pigs. I think as a Muslim community we have come to a crossroads. We call ourselves religious but in practice we offer nothing of our faith to our hosts. Entire towns have become ghettos and communities from Batley to Bradford think it is acceptable to just live from cradle to the grave in the UK without any interaction with the wider community. Until we love our English hosts as we proclaim to love each other we will always fail. Either we change how we live here and abandon our insular ways or else we can expect to be increasingly unwelcome. As for the ******* depraved scum who bomb children or prey on schoolgirls like those Rochdale taxi drivers.. I believe that every single member of their family should be immediately deported without trial or question. These depraved minds who can carry out such atrocities need to be made to think twice in their twisted minds that if they do what they plan, than every single member of their family will be deported without question. I don't really care who I upset with this post. We, as Muslims have reached a crossroads. Either we love and embrace or we can start looking for property on Pakistan's and Bangladesh's version of Rightmove. That's if the electricity there is working.. (Feel free to share)"
Looks as though he's sent you to Coventry cos he's not replied to your question.! You were born here and of course like any of us have every right to remain here. My ancestors all originate from County Mayo from years back whilst ar' lasses folks are all Wombwell born and bred but even they've got some links to Ireland way back. Our diversity makes us the nation we are. I personally think in future we've got to have some form of basic pre-requisites to come into this country. The Aussies don't necessary acknowledge U.K. Qualifications and you have to have sufficient assets to support yourself ( someone on the board will know more on that no doubt.) Should adult immigrants entering our country be capable of being able to work and speak our language.? Or like now are we comfortable in providing some of them with houses, benefits, free gas and electricity and allow the arrangement of their own Youth clubs, Schools etc ( funded by the LA) and continue to purposefully refuse to integrate into normal everyday British society.?
They should have to learn our language. There is some research that suggests the kids of immigrants do better academically than those who are British-born - even in a second language. I am expecting to have to learn another language if I have to bail the UK because of Brexit, so I would expect the reverse to also be true. I'd also ban all private schools, free schools, academies and grammar schools and have the entire lot under the control of a central body (either DoE or LEA). No religious schools, no special privileges, same curriculum for the lot of them.