Of course they are, they have to approve planning permission etc & although Wentworth estates are involved financially , so are the council , very much so .
Point is, there’s nothing new in that. I’m from Hoyland, & in my lifetime is become unrecognisable. Local councils have been wrecking the place for 50 years. Hoyland Common got off lighter, but now it’s sadly their turn. The campaign was aimed as much at FWE, as at the council. I live in Wentworth & you can’t even double glaze your house, but they sell off grazing land & sports grounds without a thought for those who live around it.
Sad state of play Mr C , I am at the moment undertaking a 10 k a day challenge for a month for Barnsley Hospice & my route takes me up to Wentworth , love the area as I do all our surrounding green belt , I truly hope the bulldozers do not infringe your boundaries as they have already decimated Hoyland Common & they have only just started on this project .
Just a quick update as I know someone who worked for Fields in Trust (an organisation that protects green spaces for the purpose of recreation). George V Fields in Hoyland Nether are protected - so developers can’t have that land..... if they do it’s breaking the law. Source : Watch This Space publication which is a resource to help communities campaign against threats to green spaces: http://www.fieldsintrust.org/watch-this-space.