If he proves himself in championship Chien will fast track him into Nice as soon as a vacancy arises/reserved
Cheers TM my son who was accompanying my grandson Oliver who was announcer on the Junior Open day v Shrewsbury, has just recently had his gall bladder removed and prior to that, he was in some discomfort . He doesn't drink alcohol, so I knew that gall stones weren't really connected to the probable over use of alcohol.
That's right. My former colleagues at YPO, who bought Gas and Electricity for circa eighty odd LA's, were asked to a meeting at the Huddersfield Stadium, with a view to getting a good deal for them on their hefty Electricity bill. They ( YPO) couldn't do it, despite the Council holding a 40% share, because the remaining percentage was held by investors in the private sector and YPO can only trade with organisations that are publicly accountable.