My apologies. Wasn't intended to be smarmy, just find it bizarre suggesting something we pay for via taxes should be used to advertise football.
I don't think he was suggesting that it should be used to advertise football, he was pointing out that it IS used to advertise football and that offline it is probably the best advertising the club gets. There is one near adds, one at stairfoot and one at birdwell just off the m1 (and probably more too) and for a few days before games they advertise that there is a match on at oakwell. They don't say who against or anything because it isn't supposed to be advertising, it's just warning of expected traffic but it does work at highlighting the fact there's a game and I reckon between them they're seen very 100,000 times. This post isn't intended as a dig at anyone or owt , just trying to explain how the signs do inadvertently give the club quite a lot of free offline advertising.
Fantastic offer. Seen it on line a lot and flogged a few to mates and even got a lad off here a couple. Well done Barnsley great offer. Would have a big impact if it were to run all games to the end of the season. I also think the off line advertising could be a bit better but a small criticism.
Reighto. Went straight over my head last night did that. I take back my previous post in this case. I still believe that on this particular occasion the Town fixture has been appropriately marketed etc. It's a season ticket related offer, therefore using email, social media and the website we should be hitting that target market. And sales have gone very well which backs that up. I agree the club can improve moving forward and I feel last years price freeze and the introduction of the flexi ticket were positive steps. I'm looking forward to reading Conan's 1,000 improvement suggestions and any more that might be posted.
Waste of time. Just interested to see how you thought the supporters could improve. With your club hat on like, but never mind.
Hi Whitey, just wondering if there is a certain logic behind targeting ST holders for this one? Only reason I ask is that I am a flexi-ticket holder and to take advantage of this offer I had to post on here to ask for a favour from a stranger to get hold of a couple of tickets (cheers Jimmy Cricket for sorting me out). Quite a few casual fans in my family, all with booking history, would have been up for this but makes taking advantage of the offer a bit difficult unless you happen to "know" someone. Not a criticism as such as seems to have sold well, just genuinely curious. TIA
The signs tell people days in advance which is great for those who don't have the internet which is our fanbase we don't seem to cater for with advertisement. We have a lot of Facebook likes and Twitter followers but many fans are on both so numbers can never give a true reflection. People can be emailed but plenty don't want to be spammed with things they aren't interested in. It's 2017 but plenty of people still don't have the Internet and don't care for it so people just wondering what's being done so they know about the offer for saturday.
Can I just ask (and I may have missed lots of previous references to this) - are we charging Huddersfield fans £34 because that was what was charged by them for us at their place earlier this season? Only asking `cos I was speaking to a Town fan earlier who lives in Barnsley but won`t go to the match in protest to the ticket price.
I knew about the offer via the website weeks ago, I bought 4 tickets before the Leeds game. The website and Twitter/Facebook have been giving it big licks all week as well! Hudds are being charged £30 and are closing in on 4000 at the moment!
We are charing them 30 quid like they did us. If they had passed on their 10 quid tickets to us (come for a tenner chant we gave them) i'm sure we'd have done it for them for this tie, so maybe Dean Hoyle had his reasons for wanting to charge us three times more for a ticket knowing because of it we'd be doing the same to his own fans. Nobody who supports Huddersfield should be not going because of the price. The date was set in stone eight months ago and they will have saved a few hundred quid this season from cheap season passes and regular special offers. Even next week at Manchester City it's only fifteen for adults, tenner for OAPs and fiver for children. I've seen many reasons (excuses) churned out for not going to it, when they should be selling out the away end easily. If they can't do it with all the money they have saved over the course of the season and off the back of their best season in decades (not dropped off like they did the season they sold their star striker Marcus Steward halfway through the season), then they never will.
Don't be stupid. "Nobody who supports Huddersfield should be not going because of the price." That is moving into hemsworth territory. There are plenty f people who will rightly refuse to pay £30 to watch an hour and half of football in breeze block lined football stands
That's their choice obviously. But if we were in their situation and given that many tickets we'd have no trouble selling it out.
Just passed on to my Huddersfield supporting friend that we are simply reciprocating the charge they made on us - he was unaware of this. Wonder haw many of their`s think the same way as you would have thought they would have sold out by now seeing how their season is going. My mate has said that he thought many were avoiding because they thought we were being unfair?
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en-gb"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">UPDATE: 3,800 <a href="">#htafc</a> fans have got their ticket for Saturday's <a href="">@SkyBetChamp</a> game at <a href="">@bfc_official</a>; buy yours! <a href=""></a> (DTS) <a href=""></a></p>— HTAFC Ticket Office (@htafctickets) <a href="">22 February 2017</a></blockquote> <script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>
That's more like it should be selling out there 3rd with a realistic chance of automatic. Regardless of the size of the town who they play next Tuesday night. Burnley sold out when they were chasing the top two and that's over a hours drive and Burnley is the smallest town to play on the premiership. Hope they sell out would be poor if they don't should do now looking at those figures though.