guy goes for a job in church, vicar says "we need a man to do lots of odd jobs but you need to know a few things about the church and religion" , he goes "that's ok father I know a bit", vicar goes "name Jesus mum, he goes easy , Mary", "well done my son 2 more to answer, what is the thing we baptise baby's in", he goes" easy again, the font,"" well done son, finally what was the first thing Eve said to Adam when they both realised they were naked", he starts scratching his head looking puzzled , goes "blimey that's a hard one", vicar goes" well done my son you got the job "
with lockdown everyone as been looking at loads of internet stuff, what star do you think you could have been in love with for me Ann Margret ,never even took any notice until looking on you tube etc, but wow she seems like any mans dream