Personally, I would prioritise aiming at him the charge of ruining the pension industry by removing tax breaks relating to dividends for pension providers that not only robbed money directly out of my pension but made the provision of final salary schemes pretty much unaffordable for all but the very biggest organisations, resulting in them all closing to new members and people having to rely on defined contribution schemes instead. But one the plus side, he kept us out of the Euro because EU Tony wanted us in.
With so many people living longer, I cant imagine the black holes that would have existed if final salary pensions had continued.
Again with this Jewish thing. I'd suggest if history has taught us anything it's the Tories they should be watching now.
Fine, but the DUP was a terrorist group's political wing as was sien Fein to the IRA, there were 2 sides in n.ireland or don't the loyalists count as they were supported by the RUC.
Sharp intake of breath. That’s not true Pete. There’s little doubt that Paisley’s brand of Loyalism contributed to many deaths in Britain but the DUP were never affiliated to any grouping. I agree there ‘were two sides in the conflict in N Ireland’. One was Britain and the other was Ireland. ‘Twas ever thus.
You need to watch the troubles thing that was on BBC, eye opener. DUP set up the Ulster Alliance mate, they joined up with UFF & UVF and were the biggest killers in N.Ireland towards the end.
Wasn’t the tax breaks that robbed your pension it was 5,6,7 million pound salaries that the top brass took out and watched by a Tory Govt . Read Robert Maxwell and Phillip Greene to name but a few .
How is it patronising? Have you not been watching the changes in world politics? The rise of Trump who has the vocabulary of a 9 year old? 350 million for the NHS, Take Back Control? People vs Parliament?