This is Corbyns last election thats for sure. 5 years of tory rule whilst everyone of a right mind shakes their head at whats going on. Brexit is the biggest shitshow ive ever seen, polarisation of one issue, how many times did we debate the EU on here pre 2016? once maybe in 20 years i dont know... it wasn't often thats for sure, as i said yesterday this phoney war is only good for one party. i wonder how many times we will hear "i didn't vote for this" in the coming years.
They’re policies of the working class but the media have hammered and hammered since these policies were introduced because it threatened them and now it looks as though some of their hard work and overtime has paid off on some who are starting to think these policies designed to help them won’t work and the best policies is to keep feeding the richest and mop up their scraps .
They arent though. The person you probably dislike the most disproves your theory. rubbish peddled by the daily fail et al has a lot to answer for.
With a slight football reference I think the song “how **** must you be, we’re winning again?” will be sung by the Tory vulture party. Nobody realistically wants these scumbags in charge but until the Labour Party realises it’s not fit for purpose and doesn’t speak for or connect with vast swathes of the population then it will just continue to remain a token gesture. Any right minded member of society would be able to come up with a wish list and therefore blueprint of how our society should look and act and I would suggest most of ours on here would be very similar. However, in British politics there is neither the will or ability to deliver this and that’s why I believe current politicians are either greedy self serving parasites or they live on the moon. Wholesale changes are required starting with the 2 main parties although I’ve more hope in fifa becoming transparent.
Ok, that’s your opinion, I’ve yet to see an honest politician who answers a straight question with a straight answer, and that’s my opinion.
And then, the last nine years of Tory leadership and great financial management have *doubled* it again. Services have been slashed to the bone, with increasing crime, homelessness, increasing death rate, lower life expectancy for most of us, but the richest 1% are a lot richer than they were in 2010.
Oh bore off ffs! always jump all over what I post when it doesn’t suit your views, what the hell is wrong with you fella? I’m beginning to feel that you have clearly got something against me which I find extremely odd and just a tad disturbing tbh given as we don’t know one another from Adam. I never feel the need to jump all over your posts so I’d appreciate if that courtesy was reciprocated.
The book, Why we get the wrong politicians. I wouldn't call them parasites but the current structure and culture means a certain type of politician is much more likely to succeed and the behaviours required by whips to try and retain power and inflict defeat means there is little scope to be different. Ironic how so many speak ill of the EU, yet their politics is much more grown up and open compared to our system which operates in the shadows.
I'd say Jess Phillips, Yvette Cooper, Caroline Lucas, Anna Soubry, Dominic Grieve and Chris Bryant are just a few off the top of my head. You might not like them, but they've all certainly put principles before party and populism.
wow. get your dummy picked up! are you really having a tantrum because i told you your opinion was wrong and pointed out why? this is a message board if you dont like being replied to and having your stupidity questioned dont post.
If you need any further proof of why Labour will get hammered in the next GE take a look at this speech a few weeks ago from Ian Austin, who resigned as Labour MP for Dudley - don't just watch the bit up to where Bercow intervenes, watch the whole speech - Corbyn will destroy the Labour party or split it down the middle if he is not got rid of - Labour could and should be shoe in for the next GE but Corbyn backed up by JM who only knows tax and spend socialism policies have put paid to this imo -
I don’t care for any politician, at all. Never ever heard them answer a straight question with a straight answer. Do you actually watch question time? A little flippant but you understand my angst I’m sure. Not one I’ve ever seen or met in my near 30 years in the armed forces that’s a serving member has ever answered a straight question with a straight answer. Apologies if you know the names you mentioned personally as you must to know how honourable they all really are.
you really are an ignoramous aren’t you fella? Who the hell do you think you are calling me stupid for starters? I refer to my last, you do not know me from Adam as me you so you cannot possibly form that view from a difference of opinion, wether you deem it right or wrong that is of no relevance with your slandering of my intelligence as your the one throwing insults about without sufficient knowledge of your subject, in that I mean myself.
I don't watch bbcqt anymore as the audience are all plants and the bias since Fiona Bruce stepped in is beyond extraordinary. I don't know any of them other than seeing them speak and comment. I respect each and every one of them for having morals and speaking their mind rather than towing a party line and pushing lies and soundbites like so many do to get ahead. We shouldn't tar an entire group with the same brush. There are always exceptions.
a message is a form of communication a slogan is also a form of communication is it not? I understand what you’re trying to suggest here, that it is deceptive / arguably vacuous and I would agree with that, but my original point remains : it is a clear message - it is clear messages that people like and vote for and it is clear messages that win elections. You can call it a slogan if you like but it is still a message of communication! see Brexit as the example I’m not suggesting I vote on the basis of clear messages but I would suggest that a majority of the population does