I understand your point however the sad fact is, those whom normally make the front benches of any of the parties, always seem to have their own agendas at heart before the public who’ve put them there. Those you speak of will never be allowed to get to where it matters and where real changes can be made without becoming the politicians that I speak of.
It’s a slogan because it was a play on the voters minds he wasn’t sure choose how much he said he just wanted the notion implanting . The Police didn’t sing Slogan in a bottle did they
Well as long as you accept there are some MPs who aren't out for themselves. And as I mentioned before, its the culture and the tribal system that's the issue. Inflicting defeat and/or winning at any cost is the key driver for the whips who hold all the power behind the scenes. First and foremost our MP's are legislators. Yet when they try and legislate and scrutinise, they are demonised. Surely we want MPs, with access to first hand information, expert opinions, reports, data and laws, to use all that for the greater good and fair robust law. Sadly, populism has overwritten that. I don't know how we ever get to a grown up open parliament where the right thing comes first. Even if the people mistakenly want something that would harm them.
are you seriously now getting annoyed at the throwing of insults? this is beyond parody. i wont go back and research but if we did i think there would be quite a few of your insults to go on, there is one you typed in this thread for a starter. that was stupid as it was plainly incorrect. a fact i pointed out to you. if you dont want to be called stupid dont give people the evidence to assume you are.
Labour had no choice really it was going to pass without them and they didn't really want to look like they are being dragged to the polls.
What, you mean the one with his million pound pension pot, the one with the privately educated children, or the one who wants to run the economy with his yacht and his two London houses.
My point being it’s always you trying to vilify my posts, not the opposite. If what I’ve written is hard evidence of stupidity then I pity your view of humanity fella. I suppose your never wrong or have your words shaped to fit an argument? If so, why aren’t you prime minister? Yes I was generalising and waxing lyrical however factually in my life, I’ve never met a politician that gave a straight answer to a straight question. That is a fact that has no argument, even from you, whoever you are.
I’ve posted many times what I’ve found about the labour leadership and labour proposals but get shouted down and dismissed by ‘the many’ Marlon, not going to bother going down that road again its pointless and just invites insults like when Donny Red called me a nazi which he still hasn't apologised for. I believe that the current labour leadership is too extreme to appeal to even traditional labour voters like myself so once again I wont bother with the polling station
You can’t have a different view H, you must be stupid/a working class tory,/ read the daily mail or be a nazi if you dont see dear leader as the messiah. You cant possibly have any oil in your lamp you dont think as they do.
There’s nothing extreme about Labour policies unless your a multi millionaire. I’ve not seen your posts on which labour policies you find extreme or don’t like that’s why i asked . Most posters are quoting Tory rubbish about Terrorist etc so don’t bother with them as they’re out of touch and copying the right wing media mantra. I’ve no doubt there’ll be those who are swayed by the rhetoric I’ve heard some of their views about immigrants and it obvious they the right wing . The media have tried to drown out the support for labour but I can assure you it’s there the Brexit party may do well in these areas at this ejection but will soon lose support when they find out what they’re really about . I think it will be a close run election with Lib Dem’s and Scots nats taking seats and the Brexit party taking support from both Tory and labour .
you really dont help yourself. one week its the poor, the next immigrants, the next its JC is a terrorist. if ive ever seen a walking advert for the daily mails hate campaign here it is.
I think you’re right the voting will be split as traditional labour voters will be torn as to where to go, on Corbyn I’ve looked into his dubious links to anti British terror organisations and din’t like what I’ve found but to dismiss it as propaganda is a bit of an insult to the kids killed to be honest. On immigration I’d just like to offer that opposing uncontrolled immigration isn’t racist, its a real shame that people write it off as that because it isn't about race its about the effect it has on the communities it effects.
One thing you're all forgetting, Jeremy Corbyn is a brilliant campaigner if nothing else. He will ramp it up over the next few weeks like he did back in 2017.