Gotta agree. BFC not signing anyone but selling them on deadline day is hardly a new phenomenon in recent years... I hot my season ticket in the hope it would enable the club to keep afloat and get the player or two we needed to keep well above the drop zone. We got cash from Brown and Struber and freed wages with the departure of Cavare,Thiam,Pinillos, Mc Geehan .Dougall etc. But our investment has not been matched by the board.
* This. I also bought a ST to support the club and staff more so than expecting to attend to watch games. I’m not sure people are stopping supporting the club (for now) but I feel that the club isn’t supporting its fans. My ambition isn’t that high but still seems to be much higher than the owners. I reckon pound for pound every ST holder has put more into our club this season than any of our owners, maybe even more than the board put together. But that’s only one aspect, even without putting cash in, they don’t seem to have ambition even within the clubs means. Maybe if we analyse the transfer market dealings it’s obvious off field return on investment takes priority over on field competitiveness.
Hand on heart mate . I was already prepared to accept I may not see a game live this season. But at a cost of approx £3-£7 per person per game. To watch on Ifollow home and away. I’m more than happy to pay that. Bit different for those who have paid for more than one season ticket ( living in the same household) when one would have sufficed. Tight or prudent. Bit of both I suppose. One thing I do know is according to reports. If some clubs don’t get financial assistance. ( and some have been irresponsible driving their costs up. New signings higher wages) They will be going to the wall in the next few weeks. Tis why the big boys have got em over a barrel. One thing I’m pretty sure of. Is, We’ll have a club to return to. So on a personal note no need to feel for me, I’m fine, I too liked Conway. And don’t like some his approach now. But I don’t lay everything at his door. We have a board of directors. Who are as much to blame on how Some people are feeling.
if we dont get the much needed striker option in then so be it, dont get me wrong i'd like to see a miriad of new signings but if the brown/struber compo money and saved player wages is used to keep the club staff in work and paid every week/month then i personally havent got a problem as i believe that making sure we have a viable club to come back to after this corvid madness should be the boards 1st priority................. just an opinion but its mine
This 100%. No problem with honest statements, just say it like it is, but they're still saying the opposite. They are over promising and under delivering.
Trouble is Helen, even if they did a fair amount on here wouldn’t believe them anyway or would reiterate the ‘putting their own money in’. Not saying either is right or wrong just saying I can see why sometimes they don’t bother.
guy wins the lottery, walks into a bar and says the drinks are on me ! people mutter under their breath "flash *******" next night same guy walks into same bar and remembers what he heard the night before so just gets his own beer and sits in the corner only to hear the same people mutter "tight *******"