They tried to BURN DOWN A HOTEL FULL OF PEOPLE AND BARRICADE THEM INSIDE. It doesn't matter whether they know what far right means. They are following a call to arms from Far Right Leaders such as Yaxley, Farage and Tice. Are you saying those who followed Hitler weren't far right? However underprivileged you are, if you're willing to threaten, harm and potential try to kill other people on the back of incitement by others, then you will be judged by those values. This was a far right attack on immigrants and the basic freedoms of this country. Anyone who took part tarnished themselves with that brush. Maybe when they're in front of a judge that might sink in.
Maybe the reason plod are backing off is because they have some sympathy with the cause of the rioters controversial I know but I wouldn't be surprised.
Seems like it did for Mr Smith at least, with regard to his antics in Sunderland. Being remanded into custody for a month suggests all 3 are facing the prospect of meaningful custodial sentences. Edit: just checked the sentencing guidelines for this offence and, even at the lowest level of seriousness, the start point for sentencing is 26 weeks custody. At the top end its 4 years, with the option of taking this up to 4.5 years within the range of sentencing.
If the army are called, that will be the issue. Problems with far right beliefs amongst some enlisted in the forces are well documented.
Many of us grew up here in the 70s, 80s and 90s. We worked hard at school and made something of ourselves. Plenty of us still live here - I can walk to Manvers in 30 minutes and do sometimes. Yeah, the area needs investment, but the EU were investing in the area and the population were told that telling them to F Off because it would make things better. Only it didn't because the Tories didn't give a stuff about the area. So they voted to cut out the help they were getting. Attacking ethnic minorities is racism. There are no other words for it. Racism that we fought against in the 80s and 90s having been endemic in society for generations. Racism and violence are the tools of the far right. Mosley's fascists, the National Front, the EDL and now these lot. The current lot are no different. If you think they aren't far right, then you need to look in the mirror because you are probably a fascist.
The EU flag was a tiny part of the signage when redevelopment was taking place. When the EU were pumping millions in to the area to regenerate it after the mines were closed the Tory Government were withholding money the area was entitled to under UK schemes because the area was getting money from the EU, a policy that the Blair Government perpetuated.
These are the conditions that lead the Nazis to power in the thirties. All they need now is the uniform. The only answer to poor living conditions is to beat up immigrants? How does that work then? These people have used a human tragedy of three little girls murder to justify mob violence. Coincidentally, they had to wait for a labour government to kick off. Makes me wonder who the Fuhrer really is.
I live on the estate across the road but was away at a music festival in Derbyshire. Getting a signal there is a nightmare. Meanwhile my wife and son were stuck at home about 100 yards from the hotel, fires and explosions going off around them. They were never really in any danger as it turned out but for a little while I didn’t know this and it was pretty ******* scary. The boy was a bit spooked but thankfully settled down quick enough. To my point. These cretins don’t speak for us on the estate, all shipped in from elsewhere via social media. And trust me, if they come back they should consider themselves fortunate if the police get to them before we do. These arseholes only understand one language. And anyone on here sticking up for them is welcome to swing by and explain why they think putting my family in danger is acceptable. But if you do I suggest you bring your ******* dinner. I’d take 50 refugees over 1 of these knuckle draggers. The refugees are welcome here and you won’t find many folk on the estate who disagree with me. I think that’s telling.
I'm not sure what my overriding feeling is about all this to be honest. It's reassuring there are more calling out the racist vile scums activities across the country. It's welcome that communities are standing up and counter protesting. And that they are generally in larger numbers. But... I'm not sure i'm able to feel proud about that. Not yet anyway. I just don't understand how these abhorrent scenes can be a thing in 2024. It shouldn't be surprising. Racism and xenophobic sentiment were prevalent during the brexit referendum. It's been increasingly rife in political discourse... even from right wing parties that had many non white members. The ring wing media in some quarters has been spouting hate speech for decades and no action taken. Social media seems to have owners of state media bad actors or narcissistic sociopaths that share right wing credence and allow this nonsense to perpetuate. So combining those things, it's not surprising that we get to a position that this has happened with the flimsiest of justifications. But it doesn't stop it being utterly depressing. Furthermore the handful of apologists that squeak into forum discourse without their most strongest views piquing the far right dial. But what is perhaps most depressing of all... despite physical constant evidence that we ourselves were most likely migrants that came to british shores, that our DNA will be littered with multiculturalism, that every day we see evidence of migrants picking our food, preparing our food, packing our food, cooking our food, serving our food. Caring for us. Clearing up after us. Saving our loved ones lives. Holding our loved ones hands when they are in pain or the end is too close. Cleaning our streets, tending to our parks. Delivering our goods, sorting our post, teaching our children... (The most depressing thing) is to a minority (i'm not sure its as small as it's suggested) all of that is completely invisible. They can't see past skin colour and a different language. And I really don't know what will stop this pointless prejudice that has no basis of truth or reason.
3 officers have resigned this week from one team in Leeds that I know - not paid enough to deal with this - at the end of the day is 30k a year enough to risk your life? Can’t blame them - I see police are getting the lowest pay rise in the public sector as well. Only going to get worse.
What a load of *****. Yeah police love it when people riot. Probably dumbest comment on here for a long time.
Bless. You sound nervous. Had the knock at the door yet or still waiting? Hope they take their time personally. You can live your life in perpetual fear of when it’s coming. Remember even if you weren’t there in person, perpetuating this online and disseminating terrorist materials is an offence under the terrorism act of 2006. Hopefully for your sake you’ve never shared anything on facebook like the stuff you say on here! Good luck!
So you compare miners that were fighting for their jobs and communities to mindless thugs who fight for created lies and all sorts of nonsense. It is you who needs to have a word with yourself. At Orgreave and other picket lines, we had to endure snatch squads that came from behind the police shields and then were dragged back by any means to be beaten and arrested. I want to know where these snatch squads are now? Why weren’t these thugs rising up against the other cost of living issues and the decline of the NHS during the last 14 years if they really do care about ‘their country’ Instead they support Farage who wants rid of the NHS
How do I know the photo wasn’t taken before the aggro started ? Again for the avoidance of doubt not snitching
You don't, you're highlighting the identity of a suspect to the police and it's then for them to investigate and determine whether that person committed an offence.