No I wouldn’t as I don’t like lager or cider or bitter I drink ales which the club doesn’t sell so I’d rather have a decent beer in old number 7 for £2:50 and then walk to ground as with the food I’d have lunch or tea before the match so wouldn’t need a three pound pie
Your not one of those real ale drinkers who looks down on the likes of me who quite enjoys a pint or 8 of fosters are you?
Exactly my thought and I had a look at it again on the match replay. Last night it was one of those movements that makes you smile from first touch to last. When it went in off the post I roared like most other people and jumped to my feet to applaud a sublime goal. I didn’t do any of that for the first because there were a couple of dozy youths deciding whether or not they liked the seats they were studying. They took so long before changing their minds that I missed the whole thing!
Things have certainly improved if there are now female toilets - there only used to be one back in the day for all three stands, and that was usually commandeered by men who couldn't wait!
Wouldn't have thought there were many non-season ticket holders there. Been put off by charging more to watch a friendly.
Well I enjoyed it - turned up with grandson - someone gave him a free ticket outside ponty end so only cost me 12 quid - got some chips - had a wee - have to go in the sit down bit cos got a catheter can't **** my leg high enough for the troff - thought first half was great good footy and goals - second half not really good too many changes - ref a tad poor - but for a friendly on balance it was good and to me bodes well - think WBA were not that good really - my grandson reckoned Thiam was MOM - can't disagree - as for off the field stuff well a lot better than when I was the grandson and we got a program
All the issues you've raised, as have others, are valid and can easily be solved by the club. However, I'd be extremely surprised if there's anyone who base their decision of purchasing a season ticket on these aspects.
Isn’t a bad thing ? Having proper facilities is the minimum the customer should expect . After all we’re customers as well as supporters . Everything about the club is half arsed from the new press box to the paint work to the ripped flag on the gantry . It’s just so poor for a club of our stature !
No not at all and I have a lager sometimes but my personal preference is real ale, if everyone liked the same thing life would be boring
I think you're right. It might put off someone who was perhaps new to the area or using the game to see if Barnsley are the kind of club they want to adopt though. Not season ticket holders but potential pay on the day fans. Its just annoying that we constantly seem to get the simply things wrong and while I understand what you're saying that they can easily be solved it worries me that they aren't. The Tvs have been a running joke for years now and this scoreboard is now a few years old and has been faulty since the day it was first turned on but its never been fixed properly so while they SHOULD be easily sortable I'm just worried as to the reason that they simply aren't sorted. It makes the club look amateur and to be honest it let's down all those at the club who work their ******** off
Well I was looking forward to the season before I read this. I'll be sending my season ticket back now. No TVs switched on for a pre-season friendly, what is the world coming to.
Yes because that's the only thing I mentioned isn't it. What about the scoreboard breaking again or the fact that we were playing a game of football while somebody was still putting the nets up?
I said none inside the ground. I certainly couldn't find any, the steward I asked said he hadn't seen any for sale and the people on the row in front of me were complaining that they couldn't find any either. I asked a couple of people where they got theirs from and they said outside on the corner of the Ponty end where the half tie draw woman stands.