I hear what you are saying but moving players on is not always that easy when they are under contract , players are only sold if there are willing buyers , we wait & see how things develop
I can see why. I love reading and probably prefer that to watching a film, although at the time I don’t think I had the patience to really dissect the prose and study the intricacies of text. I do think studying language has helped me in my career though, so although I think enjoy lit now, I think language was the best choice at the time, if that makes sense.
I know what you mean. My Dad said at the time that English Language is a "proper" subject but lit wasnt. He said you can read books in your own time - so I did language. Although I did enjoy reading at the time (and still do) I don't think I would have had the patience either. I am judging it as the (supposed) adult me rather than the sixteen year old me.
"If you're so funny Then why are you on your own tonight ? And if you're so clever Then why are you on your own tonight ? If you're so very entertaining Then why are you on your own tonight ? If you're so very good-looking Why do you sleep alone tonight ?" That was pretty good . The bloke has just lost his marbles now though.
You may have a point on the fade. It is a genius song. The Queen is Dead is a masterpiece from start to finish. Bought it the day it came out & rinsed it for a good few months. It still sounds fresh. Johnny Marr seems a sound bloke. He was equally genius as a foil, but hasn't done anything of a similar standard on his own. A lot of honourable mentions with Electronic / Modest Mouse / Cribs, etc
I did both language and lit at uni. Seemed utterly pointless at the time and for quite a while after that, but I'll have to admit that both of them helped me immensely when it came to learning Russian, strange as that may sound.
You rinsed it? For a few good months? Perhaps i should do that too. Does it help with the horrible scratches, that prevent my record collection being worth £100 rather than £1000? Anyway, I was at Uni in a small pokey hole (sonically a bit like the Smurfs "small key hole") and it was dark and I got up after a doze to stop the needle on Alice Cooper's "Welcome to my Nightmare" going nowhere, and stood on my hamster Vivien. Not deliberately. He/she refused to expire. The "local dealer" chap from next block along (called by me in a panic) suggested we drown Vivien - cos he/she was wriggling. Is that rinsing? btw I got stoned for the first time. In a chair. Couldn't move for 10 hours.
Rinsing a record (to me anyway, is playing it obsessively). I also use surgical alcohol to bathe my records from time to time. The rest of the story sounds fairly familiar, apart from the animal cruelty parts. No animals were hurt during me replying to your slightly distressing post re the hamster. I hope Vivien's grave is clearly marked on your Google Maps favourites.
I did english language and got a very good grade at olevel. In fact ever since then ive been a stickler 4 correct grammer and hat it when somebody shows there lack of grammer on here. Am glad i didnt do literature cos I've never understood why people fink that books which are difficult to understand are gud. Their having a laff obviously. Good english is important, and now good german is too. PROST!
Did both lang and lit, and French. English degree after all that too. Wish I'd gone down the psychology route in hindsight but oh well!
Must have been hard learning a new alphabet and understanding how those letters. It's hard enough looking at Polish or Hungarian and trying to understand how they pronounce "dz" or "cz" - nevermind learning it in Cyrillic. Hats off to you.