. I like it. Never been a good speller mi sen, but all ways been a good worker done 50 year hard graft, graft that got me a nice little ranch still grafting hands like sand paper, not being a English literature student got me were I am today a self stile barnsley speaking labour voting English gent.
To be honest the cryptic reputation of the Cyrillic alphabet is all a bit of a con - it's actually very easy, and once you've grasped it, is much more effective than the Roman alphabet for representing the sounds in a Slavic language. 36 letters means you don't end up with the bizarre consonant clusters you get in Czech, Polish and the other related languages which have binned Cyrillic. I can read a menu in Serbian much more easily than Croatian for example, because Serbian uses Cyrillic and therefore looks quite similar to Russian. Croatian, despite being virtually the same language as Serbian, is far harder to decipher, precisely because it's written using Roman script, and I have absolutely no idea what sounds some of the combinations are supposed to represent.