Reminds me of the time the club created a chant & tried to get the fans to sing along! About 10 years ago now, needless to say it fell flat & was never spoke of again!
It's the sort of song that would be sung in that little school in Windsor ( fees £50,000 p.a. - not including 'extras!') - It certainly wont be sung at Afon Taf High School Merthyr Tydfil - or anywhere else in Cymru. As for Northern Ireland - with the DUP being unwilling for the Irish Language to be taught in schools children are hardly going to sing about 'United Britain' - and Scotland will manage very well with 'Flower of Scotland.' wonder what the 'Extras' are ?
Stamp this **** out right now or before you know it they'll be making our kids sing "We love you Boris, we do...".
What, no mention of slavery, Windrush deportations, illegal prorogation of parliament or Royal kiddie fiddlers?
The People’s flag is deepest red It’s shrouded oft our martyred dead, And ere their limbs grew stiff and cold Their hearts blood dyed it’s every fold .