Did you ever get the feeling that the weird way they have explained that was perhaps a deliberate attempt at misinforming the fans of the financial situation?
I agree. If they view season ticket sales with such secrecy then there isn't much hope we'll get any answers to the important questions.
I just don’t understand, what’s the difference between saying, for example, we’ve sold over 11,000 season tickets or saying we’ve sold 11,463 season tickets? Who cares to that specific accuracy, why is it a secret? It’s just odd as I don’t think it really matters, I’m happy with being told to the nearest thousand but they seem to shoot themselves in the foot by stating they CANT tell you. it just seems to throw up more suspicion, if they don’t tell you why they cant tell you.
Pleased to meet you the other night Jay. I thought the same re season tickets initially but when she said to Dane "can I say the exact number Dane " I took it as she didn't know and was hoping he knew the answer. She then said over10,000 he said nearer 11,000 (Stated best sales for 20 yrs) . Otherwise what would be the point of not giving the Exact number number if known. Think what struck me was the amount of £10 kids tickets. Between 1100/1200 . Which means less than 10% took up the offer. Thought that figure would have been more. Would be interested to see the breakdown and How many old buggers like me make up the numbers. Especially given that an oap ticket starts at 60. Am not 65 yet by the way. Happy days for me.
Just to clarify. I wrote the message about tickets because it summed up how I felt about the whole evening. I thought Beth and Dane were very good hosts, I thought they were entirely honest throughout, but I did feel Dane was some what gaurded. I may be wrong but that was my impression. To expand a little further, Dane didn't instruct Beth not to tell us. For a start they didn't have that relationship, they were a team, equals, not one instructing the other. My memory is that Beth said she knew the figure and Dane said to give it to the nearest thousand. I felt that amounted to the same thing, but I may have given the wrong impression of the dynamic of the conversation between them, which was jovial throughout. Two professionals working together.
What's Beth's actual job? She seems to just do everything at the club. Wouldn't be surprised to see her come on as sub one day
No I didn't. It's not how I would have addressed it. I would have liked to know transfer fees paid as a percentage of transfer fees from sales. But I didn't believe Dane answered that way to deceive. He has a budget to manage for the first team squad and rightly factors in wages to that budget. I think we just wanted something simpler.
Please don't tell em I asked if young nudge had applied for the managers job. And was met with a blank stare from nearly everyone in the room as if to say "who". Twas a light hearted comment nudge by the way.
I'm sure she set off as 'just' someone in the clubshop or box office and these days she seems to be the person who all job applicants send applications to, the first port of call for fans with queries, sorts out the meetings, rescues stranded motorists. Never heard a bad word about her
Why would they include current wages when accounting for the 95% of the kitty, if we hadn't sold the last lot of players we'd still be paying them, so to include current wages seems a bit of a con as I'm sure the ones we sold were on more than the ones we bought, so we've actually saved on wages. I just feel they're shafting us, or am I paranoid.
Never heard a bad word about her? Well, whilst I admit that her dead ball delivery is first rate, some of her goal kicks tend to veer off to the side slightly...sometimes.
I asked her after and have genuinely forgot what she said. ( Except it had a decent title) I said what the bloody hell are you doing sorting car park out for then. Offered to be her union rep. ( That bits a lie but wish I'd thought of it at the time ) But whatever it is. I suppose Jack of all trades fits the bill.